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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

浅析凤凰卫视新闻评论的特色 摘  要:凤凰卫视创立以来,一直非常注重新闻评论类节目的发展,重视对热点社会现象、国际、国内重大新闻的解读与评论。它相继创立的《锵锵三人行》、《军情观察室》、《一虎一席谈》等一批新闻评论类节目因此颇受人们的喜爱。因凤凰卫视在新闻评论方面独具特色,受到传媒界和学术界的普遍关注。一些专家学者对其进行了多方面的研究,但仍不够全面。因此,以凤凰卫视几档主要的新闻评论类节目为例,分析凤凰卫视新闻评论的选题特色、语言特色与视角特色,在此基础上借鉴凤凰卫视新闻评论的成功经验,为内地电视新闻评论的发展做出一些贡献。

Analysis on the Characteristics of the Phoenix TV News Commentary
Abstract:Phoenix Satellite TV emphasizes much on development of news comment program and attaches great significance to hot social phenomena, the interpretation and comment of major international and domestic news since its inception. It has successively found a number of news comment programs such as the “Qiang Qiang Three Lines”, Military Observation Room, A Tiger and so on, which are very popular in common people. Because of the unique features of Phoenix satellite TV in news comments, it has attracted the attention of both media field and academic circle. Some experts and scholars have carried out extensive research on it, which is pitifully not comprehensive enough. Therefore, this thesis takes some major news comment programs of Phoenix satellite TV as examples and analyzes the features of their topics, language and perspectives, learning from the  successful experience of news comments of Phoenix on the base of that in order to promote the development of Inland news comments and make some contributions to our future news comments.
Key Words:Phoenix Satellite TV;News comment; Characteristic;Enlightenment
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、凤凰卫视新闻评论的发展历程 2
(一)凤凰卫视基本情况简介 2
(二)凤凰卫视新闻评论的发展历程概述 3
二、凤凰卫视新闻评论特色的表现 4
(一)凤凰卫视新闻评论的选题特色 4
(二)凤凰卫视新闻评论的语言特色 5
(三)凤凰卫视新闻评论的独特视角 6
三、凤凰卫视新闻评论对内地新闻评论的启示 7
(一)内地新闻评论的现状 7
(二)凤凰卫视新闻评论对内地新闻评论的启示 8
参考文献 10,3240

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