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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

轨道车辆加速度效应的测量与评价分析 摘  要:针对轨道车辆加速度及加加速度对乘客舒适性影响非常显著的问题,本论文通过建立轨道横向加速度变化率模型,结合我国铁轨实际使用缓和曲线,并通过理论分析和数学计算,得出影响轨道横向加速度变化率因素,为轨道车辆乘坐舒适性评价指标奠定理论基础。本论文还通过电梯实际运动类比车厢的浮沉振动,得出在垂直方向上影响车厢舒适性的指标不仅有加速度而且还有加加速度。
The Analysis and Evaluation of the Acceleration Effect measurement of The Orbital Vehicle
Abstract: In view that the effect of the acceleration and the jerk on vehicle comfortable- ness is very distinct, my paper finds out the factors that affect the jerk, which establish the theoretical basis on comfortableness index, through lateral acceleration model building, combining with the using easement curve, and mathematical counting and theoretical- analysis. And my paper also points out the comfortableness index existing in vertical position included not only the acceleration but the jerk by the comparison between the vibration of the elevator and the carriage.
Key Word: Lateral acceleration; Easement cure; Vertical acceleration; Jerk; Comfortableness index
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1. 加加速度的理论基础 2
1.1 加加速度的概念 2
1.2 匀速率曲线运动中的法向加加速度 3
2. 轨道车辆横向加速度效应的理论分析 5
2.1 横向加速度变化率模型的建立 5
2.2 横向振动舒适性评价指标确定的假想实验 9
3. 轨道车辆垂直方向加(减)速对人体的影响 10
3.1 人体前庭器官对垂直加(减)运动的感知 10
3.2 超重和失重对人体生理机制的影响 10
3.3 车厢的浮沉振动及舒适性研究 10
4. 总结 12
参考文献 12
致    谢 14,3235

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