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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

碳关税对我国高碳产业的影响及对策研究 摘  要:在全球气候变暖对人类生存和发展提出严峻挑战的背景下,发达国家以保护环境的名义率先提出对高碳进口产品征收碳关税,这无疑会影响我国高碳产业的生存和发展。在阐述碳关税基本概念的基础上,分析我国高碳产业发展的现状,探讨碳关税对我国高碳产业的积极影响和消极影响,并在此基础上提出充分利用WTO现有法律机制,积极参与国际碳规则的制定和讨论,尽早在国内开征碳税,促进高碳产业结构升级等对策,旨在促进我国高碳产业的可持续发展。

Research on Carbon Tariff Impacting on Chinese High–carbon Industry and Countermeasures
Abstract: Under the background of the global warming’ challenge to human survival and development, carbon tariff created by the west developed countries on imports of high-carbon products to protect environment undoubtedly will have an impact on China’s high-carbon industry. This paper analyses the current situation of China’s high-carbon industries based on the discussion of carbon tariff, discusses the positive and negative impacts on carbon tariffs imposed on high-carbon industries. Then, it puts forward to some usable proposals such as making use of WTO legal mechanisms, actively participating in the international discussions of carbon rules,  introduction of a carbon tax in the country, speeding up the optimization of high-carbon industrials structure, in order to promote the sustainable development of high-carbon industry.
Key words: Carbon tariff; High–carbon industry; Trade barrier
目  录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、碳关税概述 2
(一)碳关税的提出 2
(二)碳关税的特点 3
(三)碳关税征收的动机 4
二、我国高碳产业发展的现状 4
(一)高碳产品在我国出口产品中占比过大 4
(二)高碳企业碳减排技术落后 5
(三)高碳行业整体竞争力差 6
(四)高碳产业短期内难以转型 6
三、碳关税对我国高碳产业的影响 7
(一)碳关税对我国高碳产业的积极影响 7
(二)碳关税对我国高碳产业的消极影响 8
四、我国应对碳关税的具体措施 10
(一)积极参与国际碳规则的谈判,增强话语权 10
(二)充分利用WTO现有法律机制 11
(三)促进高碳产业升级,优先发展低碳经济 11
(四)以“碳关税”为契机,尽早在国内开征碳税 12
(五)扩大贸易范围,积极开拓新兴市场 12
(优)建立并完善我国的贸易壁垒预警机制 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15,3233

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