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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

报纸媒体如何应对新媒体的挑战    摘  要:从2005年起,有关报纸媒体生存与发展的“拐点论”、“寒冬论”、“消亡论”不断被提出,针对报纸媒体是否会消亡,这个问题在业界的争论一直没有停止。报纸媒体在新媒体时代受到尤其以青年人为代表的严重冷落。新媒体在传媒市场中所占的比例高速增长,报纸读者流失、市场萎缩等现状困扰着报纸媒体的生存和发展,报纸媒体已经发展到了生死存亡的关键时期。针对这种现状,报纸媒体该如何在新媒体时代的信息环境中发现自身的传播优势,弥补自身的不足之处,并探寻新的发展出路,使报纸媒体在未来的信息环境中能够强势生存。

Newspaper Media How to Deal with the Challenge of New Media
- to the DAHE Newspaper as an Example
Abstract: Since 2005, the newspaper media survival and the development theory of "inflection point", "winters theory", "death" has been put forward, according to the newspaper media is going to die, this debate has never stopped in the industry. Newspaper media in the era of new media is particularly serious representatives of the young people in the cold. New media in the media market the proportion of high-speed growth, the loss of newspaper readers, the present market atrophy plagued the survival and development of newspaper media's survival and development, newspapers have survival to a critical period of development. Aiming at this situation, how do newspaper media in the era of new media of the spread of information found in the environment itself advantage, make up for their deficiencies, and explore the new way of development, make the newspaper media in information environment of the future should live strong.
Key Words: newspapers; new media; DAHE newspaper; challenges
目    录
摘  要: 1
Abstract 1
一 新媒体时代信息传播现状 2
(一)新媒体信息传播现状 2
(二)报纸媒体信息传播现状 2
二、新媒体对报纸媒体的冲击 3
(一)新媒体海量信息抢夺报纸读者群 3
(二)新媒体时效性冲击报纸媒体首发权 4
(三)新媒体多样化传播凸显报纸单调乏味 4
(四)新媒体互动性挑战报纸传者本位思想 5
三、报纸媒体如何应对新媒体的挑战 5
(一)以权威性应对新媒体信息泛滥性 6
(二)以深度应对新媒体信息时效性 6
(三)吸取新媒体传播优势 7
(四)加强报纸媒体的舆论引导功能 8
(五)优化报纸运作机制 8
参考文献 9,3223

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