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更新时间:2016-10-1:  来源:毕业论文

轨道车辆运行品质评价中引入加加速度概念必要初探 摘 要:乘客的加加速度是乘车舒适性的重要指标之一,本文基于对车厢内乘客受力分析,建立翘翘板实验模型,得出加加速度与翘翘板转动角速度之间的关系,然后进行试验并收集数据,分析数据得出了在不影响乘客乘坐舒适性前提下加加速度的适当值。

Preliminary Study on Introducing Jerk Concept in Rail Vehicle Running Quality
Abstract: Passengers jerk is one of the important indexes of ride comfort. In this paper, based on the force analysis of the passengers inside the compartment, establishing experimental model of seesaw and reach the conclusion of the relationship between the jerk and angular velocity of the seesaw. Then experimentting and collectting the data, analysising of data obtained to reach zhe the right jerk of the
train in the premise of does not affect the passengers ride comfort. 
Key Words: Jerk; keep balance; Angular Velocity
目  录
摘要 1
引言 1
1.加加速度理论基础以及结合轨道车辆的研究必要 1
1.1 加加速度理论基础 2
1.2 在轨道车辆运行品质评价中引入加加速度的必要 2
2.实验 3
2.1实验猜想与设计 3
2.2实验操作 5
2.2.1实验器材 5
2.2.2实验示意图 5
2.2.3实验步骤 5
2.2.4实验数据调查表格设计与数据收集 5
3.总结 7
4.结束语 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9,3209

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