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更新时间:2016-9-29:  来源:毕业论文

浅析都市报的同质化现象原因及对策 摘  要:近年来,随着都市报的迅猛发展,都市报同质化已经成为困扰整个行业发展的一个无法回避的现实,受到业内外人士的广泛关注。日益严重的同质化现象不仅暴露了报纸自身特色的缺乏,更降低了报纸的影响力,甚至为其发展前景蒙上了一层不可磨灭的阴影。本文以河南两大龙头都市报——《大河报》和《东方今报》为例,做了大量统计工作以及举例说明都市报同质化的现象,来阐释当下都市报同质化情况的严峻性,进而分析都市报同质化所产生的原因、造成的影响,并试图提出解决这一问题的策略,为我国报纸能够走出瓶颈,谋求可持续发展之路提供建议。

   A Brief Analysis for the Homogenization of Metropolitan Daily
——Take Dahe Daily and Orient Today as Examples
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of Metropolitan Daily, the homogenization of Metropolitan Daily has become an inevitable fact which troubles the development of the whole trade and attracts insiders’ and lay persons’ extensive attention. Especially for local Metropolitan Daily, the increasingly serious homogenization not only reveals the lacking of newspaper’s own characteristics, but also casts a shadow over the development prospect of it. This paper will choose two leading Metropolitan Daily in Henan as examples to explain the severe Metropolitan Daily’s homogenization and analysis the reasons and influence by a lot of statistical work and statement of homogenization phenomenon, and then give some solutions of this problem and put forward suggestions to help our country step off bottleneck and go to a sustainable road.
Key Words: Metropolitan Daily; news homogenization; exclusive report; news   value.       
    目    录
摘  要 1
Abstract . 1
一、都市报同质化概述 2
二、《大河报》与《东方今报》同质化的各种表现 2
(一)新闻内容大量同质 3
(二)版面内容的重叠和趋同 3
(三)其他方面的隐性雷同 4
三、都市报长期同质化带来的影响 5
(一)对报社资源的多重浪费 5
(二)对受众的伤害 6
(三)对社会造成的不良影响 6
四、都市报同质化产生的原因 6
(一)单一的新闻来源 6
(二)趋同的新闻价值判断标准 7
(三)简单的新闻处理方式 8
(四)主观上对同质化的追求 8
五、都市报同质化的破解之道 9
(一)革新办报理念,创新报道视角  9
(二)利用“特派记者”,挖掘独家深度新闻   9
(三)整合新闻资源,打造品牌栏目、名牌记者 10
(四)开辟互动栏目,及时跟进报道   10
(五)注重新闻策划,加强题材掌控  11
参考文献 12,3195

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