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更新时间:2016-9-27:  来源:毕业论文

新媒体时代记者新闻敏感性的培养策略及重要性   摘  要:新闻敏感一直都是新闻工作者尤其是在第一线从事采集工作的新闻记者所必须具备的一项最基本的同时也是最重要的职业素养。然而,在如今网络技术高速发展的新媒体时代下,本该更加受到重视的新闻敏感性问题却被忽视了,许多新闻工作者出现了新闻敏感钝化的现象,而他们对于新闻敏感性的培养策略却迷失在了新媒体时代巨大的变化下,这让一些希望加强新闻敏感性的新闻工作者感到无所适从。为了改变这一现状,本文根据这一现象充分分析了在新媒体时代新闻工作者新闻敏感性钝化的原因,接着在此基础上提出在新媒体时代下新闻记者培养新闻敏感性的具体策略。希望本文可以为当代新闻工作者培养新闻敏感性起到一定的帮助。

Concerning the new age of the media reporter sensitivity training
    Abstract: News sensitivity have been journalists especially in the first line is engaged in the acquisition work of journalists must have one of the most basic and most important professional quality. However, in today's network technology high speed development under the new media age, should have news by pay more attention to sensitive issues have been ignored, many journalists sensitive news appeared the phenomenon of passivation, and their strategy for the cultivation of news sensitivity is lost in the new media era of great changes, it makes some hopes to strengthen news sensitivity of journalists was confused about what to do. In order to change this status quo, based on fully analyzed this phenomenon in the era of new media journalists of news sensitivity passivation, and then based on this, advances in new media era under the specific strategy of journalists cultivation of news sensitivity.
Key Words : new mediatime;nose for news;journalist
目    录

摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、新闻敏感性概述 2
二、新媒体时代下新闻敏感性培养的重要性 2
三、记者新闻敏感性钝化的表现及原因分析 3
(一)职业新鲜感的丧失 4
(二)敬业精神的减退 5
(三)新闻炒作导致新闻敏感性钝化 5
(四)新媒体记者缺乏创造力 6
四、新媒体时代记者新闻敏感性培养策略 6
(一)培养全局意识,增强责任感 7
(二)博学善思,增强判断力 8
(三)注重分析,善于多角度考虑问题 9
(四)善于运用新媒体工具,在实践中培养新闻敏感 9
参考文献 12,3178

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