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更新时间:2016-9-27:  来源:毕业论文

驻波实验系统误差及数据处理分析与讨论 摘  要:一般实验室内的驻波实验,带动弦线振动的为固定频率的音叉,并不能分析出不同频率所带来的误差。所以本文设计可以改变振动频率的驻波实验,主要是通过改变电磁继电器的频率从而达到改变振动频率,形成不同频率下的稳定驻波。再通过改变张力得出不同的波长。利用origin软件,得出T与λ成二次函数的关系,在频率为90Hz的时候所得的误差最小。T与f也成二次函数的关系,而且在波长为140cm的时候所得的误差最小。

Discussion on Error and Data Processing of Stationary Wave Experiment System
Abstract:In the general laboratory experiment, the tuning fork with the fixed frequency which drives the chord line can not analyze the errors caused by different frequencies. This design can change the vibration frequency of the stationary wave experiments, mainly by changing the frequency of the electromagnetic relay so as to change the vibration frequency and formate stable stationary wave of different frequencies; then by changing the tension at different wavelengths Using origin software derived T and λ into the relationship of the quadratic function, resulting in the frequency of 90Hz when the error is minimum . T and f as a quadratic function of the relationship, but at a wavelength of 140cm when the error is minimum.
Key Words: Stationary wave; Electromagnetic relay; Polynomial fitting
目    录

摘要 1
引言 1
1.驻波实验 2
1.1实验原理 2
1.2实验仪器的改进 4
1.3实验步骤 5
2.驻波实验系统误差及数据处理分析与讨论 6
2.1系统误差分析 6
2.2利用origin软件进行数据处理 7
3.结果与讨论 10
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3173

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