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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

新闻编辑角色的转换从“守门人”到“引路人” 摘  要:新媒体环境下,新闻媒介的传播环境产生巨大变化,信息泛滥成灾,受众角色发生转换,地位得到提升,舆论环境也变得复杂化。这一传播环境的变化导致了新闻编辑“守门人”角色的地位和功能被弱化,因此,新媒体环境下,有必要唤起新闻编辑角色的重塑。本文通过文献研究和案例分析,阐述了新闻编辑由“守门人”转向“引路人”的深层原因,并由此提出新闻编辑角色转换的四项应对思路,如提高对新媒体信息的监测整合能力,及时沟通受众、把脉受众心理变化等,以期待为新媒体时代下的新闻编辑职能发挥提供意见和参考。

From the “gatekeeper”to “guide”
                —Transformation of news editor’s role
Abstract:Under the new media environment, the news media environment has undergone tremendous change: the explosion of information, the change of audience role, the improvement of the status, the complication of public opinion environment. Changes in the media environment make the status and function of news editor’s “gatekeeper” role weakened. Therefore, under the new media environment, it is necessary to remodel the roles of news editor. In terms of the function transition of in news editor in the new media environment, this article appeals for the role conversion of news editor from the traditional “gatekeeper” to the role of “leader” through the method of individual-case study through interview and documents. And briefly put forward four methods for transforming news editor’s role, for example improving the information detecting and integrating ability, communicating the audience and diagnosing the audience’s psychology in time, in order to provide advice and reference to the news editor as to how to play their role properly under the new media environment.
Key Word:new media;gatekeeper;guide news edition;transformation
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、新闻编辑“守门人”的角色观 2
(一)“守门人”的基本理论 2
(二)新闻编辑“守门人”的角色职能 3
二、新媒介环境促进新闻编辑转向“引路人” 4
(一)信息爆炸需要“引路人” 5
(二)受众转型需要“引路人” 6
(三)舆论失衡需要“引路人” 6
(四)社会效益需要“引路人” 7
三、新闻编辑角色转化的应对策略 8
(一)提高对新媒体信息的监测整合能力 8
(二)及时沟通受众、把脉受众心理变化 8
(三)具备统筹兼顾、坚持独立的舆论价值观 9
(四)增强社会责任感、提升服务意识 10
参考文献 11,3142

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