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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

电子发射与热电子发射的异同及意义浅析及异同 摘  要:据美国《时代》杂志预测21世纪将成为光电子时代,那么光电子发射理论就有着非凡的意义。仔细研究会发现光电子发射与热电子发射虽均为电子发射,但二者却有着诸多的不同之处。光电子发射是由金属中深层束缚电子受激发形成的,热电子发射则是由金属中自由电子受激发产生的。本文将给于详细说明。

Brief Analyses on Differences and Similarities of The Photoelectron Emission and Thermionic Emission
Abstract: According to the U.S. “Time” magazine,it predicted that the 21st century will be the era of optoelectronics, photoelectron theory has a remarkable significance. If we have a further study we can found that the photoemission electron emission and thermionic emission are the two, but it has many differences. The photoemission is formed by deep bound excited electrons stimulated in the metal, the thermionic emission is produced by free electrons in the metal stimulated. This article will give detailed illustrations.
Key Words: Photoemission; Thermionic emission; Bound electrons; Free electrons; Development prospects
目    录

摘要 1
引言 1
1. 光电子发射与热电子发射的研究历史 2
1.1 光电子发射的研究历史 2
1.2 热电子发射的研究历史 2
2. 光电子发射与热电子发射的异同点 3
2.1 光电子发射与热电子发射的相同点 3
2.2 光电子发射与热电子发射的不同点 3
3. 光电子发射与热电子发射的意义浅析 8
3.1 光电子发射的意义及前景 8
3.2 热电子发射的意义及前景 9
4. 结束语 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12,3139

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