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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

光的偏振特性在汽车车灯视觉系统的应用 摘  要:在所有交通事故中,夜间行车发生的交通事故不在少数,其主要原因是对面行驶的汽车远光灯太亮导致司机产生炫目而视野模糊。本文旨在把偏振光的强度特性,应用到汽车车灯视觉系统中,并通过测量氦氖激光器透过偏振片后的光强变化来模拟偏振片对汽车车灯的影响的实验验证后,得出用偏振片制作汽车车灯和司机佩戴偏振片眼镜的方案比较合理。该方案可以解决会车时产生的炫目问题,从而提高夜间汽车行车的安全性。

Application of Polarization State of Light in Automobile Headlights Vision System
Abstract: In all traffic accidents, traffic accident driving at night a few, mainly because of cars across the drivers produce high beam is too bright dazzling and blurry vision. This article aims to apply the strength properties of polarized light to the car headlights in the visual system. After the experimental verification by measuring the light intensity change of the He-Ne laser through the polaroid to simulate the influence of polaroid on the car headlights. We can find that the car headlights made with polarizer and the driver wearing polarized glasses is more reasonable. The project will be can solve the problem arising from glare, thereby improving the safety of driving car at night.
Key Words: Headlamp; Giddy; Polarizer; Polarized glass
目    录

摘要 1
关键词 1
引言 1
1.光的偏振特性的理论推导 2
1.1偏振光与偏振片的简单介绍 2
1.2光的偏振态的两种数学描述方法及其之间的关系 3
1.3椭圆偏振光、自然光和部分偏振光的理论分析 4
2.对光的偏振特性在汽车车灯上的应用的理论分析 7
2.1第一种方案 7
2.2第二种方案 7
2.3第三种方案 8
2.4第四种方案 8
3.实验 9
3.1实验1:对激光通过10%的滤波片后的电流的测量 10
3.2实验2:对在实验1中的滤波片后加一个偏振片1后的电流的测量 11
3.3实验3:对实验2改进之后的电流的测量 11
4. 结论 12
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3138

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