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更新时间:2016-9-24:  来源:毕业论文

新闻误读现象的成因分析及如何应对新闻误读 摘  要:新闻误读普遍存在于传播活动中,是受众对信息的错误解读。新闻误读的出现,对媒体、新闻事实的传播和受众的态度行为都有消极的影响。本文以门户网站——网易新闻的新闻评论版块为例,主要运用比较分析的方法,从受众、媒体以及区域文化差异等方面,探究新闻误读现象出现的原因,提出了提高媒体业务素质、增强受众媒体素养、逐步消解区域文化差异等建议,以期减少新闻误读,使新闻报道获得最佳社会效果。

Analysis about Reasons of News Misunderstanding
      –Taking News Nomments of Netease for Example
Abstract : News misunderstanding, refering to the audience misinterpretating the information, is prevailing in transmission.The emergence of news misunderstanding has negative influences upon media,dissemination of news fact and audience's attitude.The thesis Will take Web portal–the news cimments of Netease for example and mainly utilize contrastive analysis to probe into reasons of news misunderstanding by comparing the differences in audience, media, diversity of region culture and so forth.,then the author comes up with some proposals on improving media service quality, strengthening the media literacy of audience and gradually eliminating the diversity of region culture in order to reduce news misunderstanding and make the news coverage achieve the best social effects.
Key Words: News comments of Netease;News misunderstanding;Reasons
   目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、新闻误读现象界说 2
(一)新闻误读的概念 2
(二)新闻误读的表现 2
二、新闻误读的影响 3
(一)误导受众的意识和行为 3
(二)制约新闻传播的社会效果 3
(三)降低媒体的公信力 4
三、以网易新闻评论为例探析新闻误读现象的成因 4
(一)受众自身的原因 5
(二)媒体自身原因 7
(三)存在文化差异 9
四、如何应对新闻误读 10
(一)增强受众媒介素养 10
(二)提升媒体业务素质 11
(三) 区域文化差异有待逐渐消解 13
参考文献 14,3106

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