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更新时间:2016-9-20:  来源:毕业论文

暗能量论文+暗能量问题的起源+理论研究展望 浅述暗能量问题的研究进展
摘 要: 最近的宇宙研究发现,宇宙正在加速膨胀,而这种膨胀可能是因为暗能量的存在引起的。暗能量与我们所熟知的物质不同,这种能量的特点是呈“排斥力”、“负压”。本文主要阐述了暗能量问题的提出、发展过程、研究现状、存在的主要矛盾、研究焦点。同时,对暗能量未来的研究前景也进行了相应的展望。最后,总结了暗能量研究具有的现实意义。
关键词: 暗能量;加速膨胀;宇宙常数

The State on the Development of Dark Energy
Abstract: Recently on the study of the universe we can find that it is accelerating expansion, and the expansion may be caused by the dark energy. The dark energy is different from the matter we are familiar, and its characteristics is repulsive force and negative pressure. The paper main describes the raise and the development process, and the current research situation and the main contradictions and the research focus of dark energy. At the same time, the paper also explains the corresponding to the prospects of dark energy in the future. Finally, it summarizes the study of dark energy has practical significance.
Key Words: Dark Energy; Accelerated Expansion; Constant of Universe
目    录

摘要 1
引言 1
1.暗能量问题的起源 2
1.1暗能量问题的提出 2
1.2宇宙加速膨胀的暗能量解释 3
2.暗能量问题的理论研究 6
2.1暗能量问题的研究现状及进展 6
2.2观测暗能量的实验方法 8
3.暗能量未来的展望 9
4.结束语 10
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3088

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