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更新时间:2016-9-20:  来源:毕业论文


摘  要:春节是中华民族的传统节日,凝结了浓重的民族文化和传统文化。春节又是日常生活的一个重要环节,新的时代特点在春节习俗中最容易得到体现。随着生活方式、社会经济情况、社会政治环境的变化,新的春节习俗与老的传统也在发生着碰撞。同时,现代化和城市化的进程在加快,传统习俗面临着日渐衰落与丢失的危险。论文以项城市为观察对象,对春节习俗进行纵横两方面的观察。通过对春节习俗变迁的观察,探讨时代变迁对春节习俗变迁的影响,观察各种因素对春节习俗所施加的影响,进而探讨春节习俗与乡村文化建设的关系,提出对传统文化进行保护和利用的建议。

Change Research XiangCheng Spring Festival Customs
    Abstract: Spring Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, setting a strong national culture and traditional culture. The Spring Festival is an important part of everyday life as well, which mostly reflects the characteristics of the times. As lifestyle, social and economic conditions, social and political environment changes, the new Spring Festival custom and old tradition is in the event of a collision. At the same time, the process of modernization and urbanization speeding up, the traditional customs are at high risk of decline and loss. This paper aims at the city of Xiangcheng and observes at the Chinese New Year customs in the form of horizontal and vertical ways. Through the observation of the lunar New Year customs transition, this paper discusses the influence of time changing for the Spring Festival custom, to observe the influence of various factors imposed by the custom on the Spring Festival, then to investigate the relationship between the Spring Festival custom and the rural culture construction, Suggestions for protection and utilization of traditional culture.
Key words: XiangCheng; the Spring Festival Custom; Change; Rural Culture Construction
目        录

摘  要1
一、解放前项城春节习俗情况 2
(二)解放前项城春节习俗概览 2
三、WHDGM到改革开放前项城春节习俗变迁情况概览 8
(一)“破四旧”之下的呻吟 8
(二)城市对乡村影响与传统的自救 10
(一)过什么样的春节 10
(二)春节与乡村政治、经济建设  11
(三)春节与乡村文化建设 11
结语 13参考文献13
致谢 15,3086

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