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更新时间:2016-9-19:  来源:毕业论文

浅析电视民生新闻的责任担当 摘  要:2002年江苏卫视《南京零距离》的开播,标志着我国电视民生新闻正式进入受众的视野。时至今日,电视民生新闻的发展已经历了十一年的历程。在此期间,民生新闻在表达民意、服务民众,蓬勃发展的同时也出现了内容低俗、节目雷同等一系列问题。电视民生新闻关系到民众的切身利益,承担起自身的责任,做好电视民生新闻报道,促进社会安定,是每一个媒体人应理性思考的问题。通过对电视民生新闻责任担当的必要性、电视民生新闻责任担当缺失的影响及促进电视民生新闻责任担当途径的研究,发现电视民生新闻急需解决的问题,并提出提升节目品位、加强舆论引导和完善监督机制等一些切实可行的方法。这些方法的提出对把握媒体定位和民生新闻的发展方向,更好地服务民众,树立党和政府的良好形象将具有一定的现实意义。

Analysis on the Responsibility of the Civic TV News
Abstract: In 2002, the launch of the Nanjing Zero Distance in Nanjing TV, marking the formal entry of the civic TV news programs into the audience’s perspective. Today, the civic TV news programs have experienced a history of eleven years. While the civic TV news had a great development in expressing public opinions and serving the people, it also appeared range of issues of vulgar contents and similar programs. Due to the intimate connection between the civic news programs and the interests of people’s livelihood, assuming their responsibilities, reporting news well and promoting social stability is a problem that every media person should be thought rationally. Through the analysis on the necessity of the responsibility of the Civic TV news, the influence of its missing and the ways of promoting it, we found the urgent problems in it and proposed several practical ways to enhance the quality, strengthen the guidance to the public opinions and improve the oversight mechanisms. These methods have certain practical significance in grasping the position of the programs and the direction of its development, also, in serving the people better and establishing a good image of the party and the government.
Key words: the civic news; responsibility; ways
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、电视民生新闻责任担当的必要性 2
(一) 真实反映民生 文护受众权益 2
(二) 正确引导舆论 构建和谐社会 4
(三) 担当喉舌重任 树立党和政府的良好形象 4
二、电视民生新闻责任担当缺失的负面影响 5
(一)节目三俗化 误导民众 5
(二)节目同质化 文化传播缺位 5
(三)报道浅表化 不利于问题的根本解决 6
(四)角色定位不准 造成媒介审判 6
三、促进电视民生新闻责任担当的途径 7
(一)增强责任意识 文护受众权益 7
(二)提升节目品位 促进文化建设 8
(三)加强舆论引导 构建和谐社会 9
(四)完善监督机制 促进责任担当 9
参考文献 11,3077

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