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更新时间:2016-9-18:  来源:毕业论文

周邦彦艳词研究风格剖析 摘  要:早期词流行于歌舞酒宴场所,男欢女爱的内容占了很大比重,这就是所谓的艳词。虽然词有婉约豪放之分,但前者比重却远远超过后者。周邦彦是宋代最重要的词人之一,抒写男女恋情的艳词在他作品中也占有较大比重。本文从历史文化背景、艳词演进过程、词的内容与风格三个角度对周邦彦的艳词进行浅层次研究,重点分析时代风气对艳词的沾染和周邦彦艳词的内容与风格特点,并将清真艳词与前人及其同时期作者的艳词进行比较,从而发现周邦彦艳词创作的独特之处。最终得出“时代已经糜烂不堪,但是,周邦彦个人生活是严谨的,艳词并不是他浮艳生活的反映”的重要结论。

The Study of Zhou Bangyan’s Yanci Poems
    Abstract :Yanci is a kind of poetry mainly decribing sense, feeling and love between male scholars and young women of lower social status.Although ci has a graceful and restrained style, but the former proportion is much higher than the latter.Zhou bangyan is one of the most important poet of song dynasty. In his works,yanci also occupies a larger proportion. This article deals with Zhou Bangyan’s yanci from three angles: the historical and cultural background, the evolvement of ci and the content and style of ci. This paper carried on a selective analysis about the impact times had on the yanci and about the content and features which were embodied in Zhou Bangyan’s poems. At the same time, I compared Zhou’s pomes with the yanci created by previous and contemporaneous poets to discover the uniqueness contained in Zhou Bangyan’s poetry creation. Eventually concluded an important conclusion that the era is erosion, however, zhou bangyan’s personal life is rigorous, yanci is not a reflection of his gaudy life. 
Key words:Zhou Bangyan; Yanci; Inheritance; Innovation
目        录

摘  要1
前言2一、艳词的概念与追溯 2
(三)空中语 8
四、周邦彦艳词风格剖析 9
五、周邦彦艳词与其他作者艳词比较 11
结语 13
参考文献 13
致谢 15,3073

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