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更新时间:2016-9-18:  来源:毕业论文

公文写作中的修辞应用及公文写作中的修辞特征 摘  要:公文作为国家机关、群众团体、企事业单位管理公务的重要工具,不断推动国家政治经济的发展,公文的写作水平直接关系着处理公务的效率。这就要求公文的写作既要切合题旨,又要适应情境,所以修辞在公文写作中起着至关重要的作用。本文通过论述公文的修辞特征,对目前公文写作中一些常见的修辞手法进行分析,进一步阐述这些修辞手法在公文写作中的具体运用形式,如讲究炼字、精选句式和妙用辞格都能提高公文的写作水平,增加公文的可读性和可接受性。                    
The Application of Rhetoric in Document Writing
    Abstract:The document is an important tool for government, public organizations, enterprises to promote the development of national politics and economy. The quality of document writing is directly related to the efficiency of the handling of official affairs. So the official document writing must be both adapted to the situation and in accordance with the theme.Rhetoric plays an important role in the writing of official documents. This paper discusses the rhetorical features of documents,analysis some common rhetorical devices in the writing of official documents,and further elaborates the specific rhetorical devices used in official document writing,for example,the use of exquisite diction and sentence patterns and the subtle use of rhetoric can improve the quality of the document writing and increase the document's readability and acceptability.
    Key words: Document; Writing; Rhetoric
目        录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
前言 1
一、公文写作的修辞特征 2
(一)遣词造句的修辞特征 2
(二)辞格选用的修辞特征 3
二、公文写作中的修辞应用 4
(一)修辞手段在公文写作中的应用 4
(二)修辞格在公文写作中的应用 6
参考文献 8
致谢 9,3072

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