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更新时间:2016-9-18:  来源:毕业论文

网络新闻策划现存问题的改进研究建议 摘  要:随着网络新闻竞争日趋激烈,一些网络媒体惘顾新闻的客观规律,盲目追求新闻“卖点”,经常推出一些所谓的网络新闻“策划”,导致网络新闻炒作愈演愈烈。议程设置过度化、新闻内容同质化、人文关怀淡薄化、品牌策划欠缺化,最后导致忠实受众群丢失,不但没有赢得经济效益反而丢失社会公信力。本文通过文献研究法和案例分析法重点从加强媒体行业自律、培养创新型网络人才、提高策划人员的人文素养以及打造网站品牌四个方面阐述了网络新闻策划现存问题的解决措施,以期网络新闻策划能够更好地发展,从而实现社会效益与经济效益的双赢。
The Analysis on Improving Existing Problems of Network News Planning
Abstract: with the increasingly fierce competitions in the network news, some of the network media ignore the objective laws of network news and blindly pursuit the so-called “selling points” of news, and they often offer some so-called network news “planning” which lead to increasingly fierce hype of network news. The problems involving excessive agenda settings, homogeneity of the news content, lack of humanistic care, deficiency of brand planning, which lead to the loss of faithful audience, and finally they not only lose economic benefits, but also don’t win social credibility. In order to make network news planning achieve a win-win economic and social benefits, this paper which bases on literature research and case analysis mainly focuses on the solutions for solving existing problems of network news planning from the following respects, such as strengthening self-discipline media industries, cultivating innovative network talents, improving humanity accomplishment of news planners and building the website brands.      
Keywords: network;news planning;improvement
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络新闻策划的概述 2
(一)网络新闻策划的定义 2
(二)网络新闻策划的特点 2
(三)网络新闻策划的功能 3
二、网络新闻策划的现存问题 4
(一)议程设置过度化 4
(二)新闻内容同质化 5
(三)人文关怀淡薄化 5
(四)品牌策划欠缺化 6
三、网络新闻策划的改进措施 7
(一)加强媒体行业自律,回归新闻本位 7
(二)培养创新型网络人才,提供高质量和差异化新闻 7
(三)以人为本,提高策划人员的人文素养 8
(四)打造网站品牌,培养忠实受众群 9
参考文献 11,3064

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