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更新时间:2016-9-13:  来源:毕业论文

参与式报道的新闻策划研究   摘  要:参与式报道,一种由记者亲身接触或参与新闻事件而进行的采访报道方式,因其能够深入新闻事件、获得真实情况、挖掘到独家新闻而备受媒体亲睐,成为新闻媒体获得竞争优势的的又一利器。参与式报道使受众的知情度得到了加深,提升了媒体的舆论监督能力和市场影响力,因而,这一采访报道形式更多的被采用。但是,随之而来的新闻媒体借助参与式报道“策划新闻”、干预新闻事件的发生,也使得我们对这一采访报道形式产生争论和质疑。本文通过文献研究法和案例分析法阐述了参与式报道的形成、利害,并简要提出引导方法,以期能使其更好地服务于我们的新闻报道。

A study on News Planning of Participatory Peport
Abstract: As we all know, participatory report is a way to cover and interview news by means of personal contacts or participations of reporters in news events. Because of its ability to go deep into news events, get truth and dig to the exclusive news, it has been favored by the media and becomes its another sharp weapon to achieve competitive advantages. Participatory report makes the audience well informed and promotes the ability of supervision by public opinion of the media, so does its market influence. Therefore, participatory report is widely used. However, our arguments and questions have been aroused as a result of such accidents as planning news and intervening news events, which are caused by the use of participatory report. Through literature research method and case analysis method, this paper states participatory report’s formation and its advantages and disadvantages. What’s more, it raises some guidance briefly so that it can better serve our news reports.    
Key Words: participatory report ; advantage ;limitation; news planning
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、参与式报道的形成原因 2
(一)满足受众的需要 2
(二)适应媒体自身发展的需要 3
(三)适应社会发展的需要 3
二、参与式报道的优势及其局限性 4
(一)参与式报道的优势 5
(二)参与式报道的局限性 6
三、可探索的参与式报道策划方式 6
(一)体验式报道策划 7
(二)暗访式报道策划 8
(三)促成式报道策划 9
四、参与式报道策划的注意事项 10
(一)明确报道目的,找准参与途径 10
(二)客观公正,防止偏听偏信 11
(三)遵循新闻事件的客观发展规律,杜绝主观臆造 11
(四)注意安全,保护自己 12
参考文献 13,3053

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