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框架—剪力墙结构办公楼结构设计+计算书+CAD图纸 第2页

更新时间:2016-9-10:  来源:毕业论文
The design issues for Shanghai yuekang office building structure design. Using frame shear wall structure, the building is only for office use, a total of five elevators, two stairs.The project structure on the sixteen floor, the ground floor, the roof of the structure to find a slope, slope 2%, the height of the building is 65.150m. In recent years, with the increase of population, more and more high-rise built and frame shear wall structure has emerged.
Frame shear wall structure is in frame structure layout of a certain number of shear wall, a free and flexible use of space, to meet the requirements of different architectural features and adequate shear wall, a considerable lateral rigidity (shear wall lateral stiffness of large refers to in under the action of horizontal load wind load and horizontal seismic force resistance deformation ability).
Frame shear wall structure stress characteristic is composed of frame and shear wall structure with two different anti lateral force structure of the new force, so the framework of its different framework from the pure frame structure, shear wall in frame shear structure are also different in shear wall structure in the shear walls.
The subject of the design the frame shear wall structure can not only meet the functional requirements for the use of building and in the stage of structural design reasonable arrangement column, wall and beam, the force structure is reasonable, and can achieve better economic benefits.
Key words: architecture, frame shear, structure

1  建筑设计部分
1.1 题目来源
1.2 工程概况
1.3 主要参考文献和所用设计规范
[2]《建筑抗震设计规范》GB 50011-2010
[6]《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》GB 50068-2001
[7]《建筑结构制图标准》GBT 50105-2010
[8]《建筑设计资料集》. 中国建筑工业出版社,1994.
[9] 丰定国, 王杜良. 《抗震结构设计》. 武汉工业大学出版社,2003
[10] 东南大学等. 《混凝土结构》. 中国建筑工业出版社,2003.
[11]《建筑结构构造资料集》. 中国建筑工业出版社,2002.
[12] 彭伟,《高层建筑结构设计原理》,西南交通大学出版社,2004.

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