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更新时间:2016-9-1:  来源:毕业论文

本文利用坐标变换理论,分析了系统在三相静止坐标系、两相静止与旋转坐标系下的基本数学模型。运用电网电压定向的矢量控制技术,实现了输出有功功率和无功功率的解耦。本文来自优|文,论`文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324_9114找源文
关键字: SVPWM;矢量控制;电网电压定向;Matlab/Simulink
Study and Simulation of Control System for Wind-Powered Grid Inverter
Abstract:According to the phenomenon on shortage of energy,it is a time that we can not wait to find renewable energy to solve our energy problems. As a renewable energy,the development and utilization of wind energy has catched more and more attention form different counties.
In recent years,with the development of power electronics technology and the emergence of new control theory,which greatly promoted the development of grid-connected inverter control technology.Therefore,to establish a simulation model about the grid side inverter control system has a very important practical significance on the in-depth research which including wind turbine and grid.
This article use coordinate transformation theory to analyze the basic mathematical model of three-phase static coordinate system and two-phase stationary and rotating coordinate system.Using the grid voltage oriented vector control technology to achieve a decoupling of the output active and reactive power.
Using the Matlab/Simulink to establish grid-side inverter vector control model which is based on voltage space vector pulse width modulation.That is including coordinate transformation module,the voltage compensation module,PI controller module,SVPWM module and so on.The result of simulation shows that the grid side inverter control technology is an ideal inverter control technology of wind power.
KeyWords:SVPWM;vector control;grid voltage orientation;Matlab/Simulink
目  录
第一章  绪论 1
1.1  国内外风力发电发展概况 1
1.1.1  风力资源概况 1
1.1.2 世界风力发电发展概况 2
1.1.3 国内风力发电发展概况 3
1.2  风力发电技术概况 5
1.2.1 风力发电机的分类 5
1.2.2 变速恒频风力发电机介绍 6
1.3  并网逆变器控制策略 8
1.3.1  电网电压定向控制 9
1.3.2  直接功率控制 10
1.3.3  虚拟磁链定向控制 10
1.3.4  虚拟磁链直接功率控制 11
1.4  课题研究的内容和研究现状 12
1.5  本文主要研究的内容 13
第二章  并网侧逆变器控制策略研究 14
2.1  网侧逆变器的数学模型 14
2.1.1  基本坐标变换关系 14
2.1.2  静止三相坐标系中的数学模型 15
2.1.3  两相静止坐标系下的数学模型 16
2.1.4  两相同步旋转坐标系下的数学模型 17
2.2  并网侧逆变器的矢量控制 17
2.3.1  并网侧逆变器电网电压定向控制 17
2.3.1  并网侧逆变器有功功率和无功功率的控制 18
2.3  SVPWM 19
2.3.1  SVPWM技术简介 19
2.3.2  SVPWM控制算法 19
2.3.3 基本空间电压矢量的定义 19
2.3.4 扇区的判断 21
2.3.5 相邻电压矢量作用时间的计算 23
2.3.6 三相PWM信号的生成 24
2.4  本章小结 26
第三章  并网侧逆变器控制系统的Matlab/Simulink仿真 27
3.1  Matlab/Simulink仿真平台简介 27
3.2  矢量控制系统模型 27
3.2.1  坐标变换模块 27
3.2.2  电流调节器及解耦模块 29
3.2.3  SVPWM模块 30
3.2.4  矢量控制系统仿真模型 34
3.3  仿真结果与分析 35
3.4  本章小结 39
第四章 结论与展望 40
4.1  总结 40
4.2  展望 40
致    谢 41
参考文献 42,2971

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