建筑工地施工中的声光尘影响与控制+调查分析+方案设计 摘要:近年来,为促进城市发展,居民生活水平提高,民用工程的建设速度加快。由于建筑工地施工的特殊需要,存在着诸如噪声、光、粉尘等为代表的污染源,影响工人与周围居民的健康与生活,这是个值得关注的民生问题。针对建筑施工过程 中产生的粉尘、噪声、强光,对环境的污染及居民生活、工作的影响,提出了目前采取的防治措施和正在探索的措施,以达到保护环境,文明施工的目的。在各种基础建设活动中,保护生态环境、避免干扰居民生活与工作环境是企业应当追求的目标,也是来自社会各方面的要求。在工程期间,三大污染十分严重,尤其在施工过程中,对原状生态植被的破坏、对流域水系的改变、对区域性地形地貌的改变、对居民交通道路的影响、噪声粉尘对周边环境的影响,本文来自优&文*论~文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324,9114找源文都不可避免。造成了对周边群众造成非常大的危害。
A construction site construction of sound, light, dust impact and control
Abstract: in recent years, in order to promote the development of the city, residents living level, civil engineering construction speed. Due to the construction site of construction of special needs, such as the existence of noise, light, dust as the representative of the pollution source, effects of workers and the surrounding residents of health and life, it is worth paying close attention to people's livelihood. In the light of the building construction process generated dust, noise, light, the pollution to the environment and people's life, work, puts forward the control measures and explore the measures, to protect environment, civilized construction objective. Among the various basic construction activities, protect the ecological environment, to avoid disturbance to residents living and working environment for all enterprises should pursue the goal, but also from various social demands. Especially in the construction process, the original ecological vegetation destruction, for small watershed change, on the regional topography change of residents, traffic noise, dust effects on surrounding environment, inevitably.
Key Words:construction site; noise pollution; dust pollution; light pollution; impact; control.
1 前言 1
2 某建筑工地施工中声光尘影响的调查与分析 2
2.1 建筑工地噪声污染调查与分析 2
2.2建筑工地光污染调查与分析 5
2.3 建筑工地粉尘污染调查与分析 6
3.某建筑工地施工中声光尘控制的研究 9
3.1 噪声污染的控制 9
3.2光污染的控制 10
3.3粉尘污染的控制 11
4.某建筑工地施工中声光尘控制的方案设计 12
4.1典型污染源的调查分析与评价 12
4.1.1 环境因素评价 13
4.1.2 噪声危害评价 16
4.1.3 层次分析评价 18
4.1.4 结论 25
4.2 典型污染源控制的方案设计 25
4.2.1 焦化厂对于粉尘治理的借鉴 25
4.2.2 排风量计算 26
4.2.2 噪声污染治理设计 29
5.结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35,2950
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