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更新时间:2016-8-28:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.NET二手房信息发布系统的设计与实现+需求分析+数据库设计 摘  要:现今房价居高不下,为满足人们日益增长的购房需求,特设计实现了二手房交易管理系统。系统的前台采用Visual Studio 2010进行制作,后台由SQL Server数据库支持,通过使用ASP.NET技术,实现了一个基于B/S架构的二手房信息发布系统,实现了系统管理员对房屋信息的添加、查询、修改、删除等操作的功能,管理员需要登录系统进行这些操作。还实现了客户对系统的操作需求,包括发布信息,查询信息,以及客户的注册,修改,删除等操作的前台功能的实现。
关键词:信息发布;.NET;C#; ASP.NET;B/S

The Design and Implementation of Second-hand Housing Information Release System
Abstract:Today house price is very high, so a second-hand housing transaction management system is designed and implemented to meet the growing housing purchasing demand. The foreground of the system is completed with Visual Studio 2010 as well as the background database is supported by SQL Server database. The second-hand housing information release system is achieved based on B / S structure through the ASP.NET technology.The administrator can add, query, modify, delete housing information and other operations when entering login system. It also allows customer to release information, query information, customer registration, modify information, delete information and other operations of the foreground.
Key Words:Information release;.NET;C#; ASP.NET;B/S
目    录
摘  要 1
引言 1
1.课题简介 2
2.系统分析 2
2.1 系统需求分析 2
2.2 系统设计目标 3
2.3 系统功能模块设计 3
2.4系统的功能结构图 4
3.数据库设计 4
3.1设计思想 4
3.2设计内容 5
4.系统详细设计和具体实现 5
4.1系统流程 5
4.2前台管理模块实现 6
4.3 后台管理模块实现 8
5.总结 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,2910

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