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更新时间:2016-8-28:  来源:毕业论文

C#银行学生助学贷款管理系统设计+功能模块图+ER图 摘 要:文章介绍了管理信息系统(MIS)理论,联系当今计算机技术的发展及银行学生助学贷款的实际情况,阐述了管理信息系统的模式,尤其是对银行学生助学贷款管理系统模式进行了深入研究,提出了银行学生助学贷款管理系统的发展目标和框架。文章中的银行学生助学贷款管理系统是利用VS2010进行开发的,其中对系统的开发过程进行了详细的描述。文章立足现实,对当今银行学生助学贷款政策进行了科学的介绍,展望了银行学生助学贷款管理信息系统的发展方向。本文还从介绍助学贷款政策的产生原因和发展演变入手,分析了银行学生助学贷款及其管理系统的重要性,接着进行问题识别和可行性研究,根据具体情况择优处理,最终制定一个有效的管理模式。
关键词:银行;管理信息系统;助学贷款。本文来自优&文'论~文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com
The Aid Loan Management Information System of Bank
Abstract:The thesis has introduced the management information system (MIS) theory, combined with the development of the present computer technology and the actual condition of the bank aid loan, and then it elaborated the pattern of the MIS, and especially gave an in-depth study on the bank aid loan management system pattern, and also put forward the development goal and the frame of bank aid loan. The bank aid loan management system in the thesis is developed by the VS 2010, and the thesis has given a detailed description about the process of the system’s development. Based on the actualities, the thesis gave a scientific introduction about today’s bank aid loan and also envisaged the development direction of the bank aid loan. The thesis also started on the introduction about the reasons for the bank aid loan’s emergence and its development and evolution, moreover, analyzed the importance of the bank aid loan and its management system, then carried on the question identification and the practicable research.it deal with the case better according to the specific conditions, and finally formulated an effective management pattern.
Keywords:Bank; Management Information System; Aid Loan
目    录

摘 要 1
1绪论 3
1.1 系统开发背景 3
1.2管理信息系统简介 3
1.3银行生助学贷款概述 3
2系统分析 4
2.1问题识别 4
2.2 可行性研究 4
3系统开发应用的主要技术 5
3.1数据库技术 5
3.2 C#语言 5
4银行学生助学贷款管理系统的实现 6
4.1系统设计 6
4.2 系统的应用平台设计 7
4.3数据库设计 8
4.4各功能模块的创建 10
5 结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14,2908

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