摘要: 随着信息技术在管理上越来越深入而广泛的应用,android开发平台是个热门行业,使用android手机的人也越来越多,android的网络编程也是非常重要。
Android Http服务器的设计是必要的,开发原理主要是使用socket套接字来接收浏览器的请求。然后做相应的计算,解析。在发送给浏览器它所需要的东西。保证程序能跑出http服务器最基本功能。
本程序所完成的功能: 1)具备简单的HTTP Server功能 2)能够通过网页上传文件 3)能够通过网页管理已经上传的文件, 如删除、重命名等。
本程序使用elcipse开发环境,使用java的socket网络编程来编写,首先建立一个简单的服务器,能接受到浏览器发送过来的文件。然后进行解析,做出相应的措施,不断修正和改进,本文来自优,文'论#文^网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 直到形成用户满意的可行系统。男孩穷养女孩富养读后感
关键词: Android ;http; java语言;socket;
Simple Android HTTP application design services
With more and more on information technology in the management depth and wide range of applications, android development platform is a hot industry, the use ofandroid mobile phones more and more people, android network programming is also very important.
Android Http server design is needed to develop principle is to use the socket socket to receive browser requests. Then do the appropriate calculations, parsing.Sent to the browser what it needs. Http server to ensure that the program can run out of basic functions.
Completion of the program features: 1) with a simple HTTP Server features 2)upload files through web pages 3) able to manage through the pages have beenuploaded files, such as delete, rename, and so on.
This program uses elcipse development environment, the socket network programming using java to write, first create a simple server that can receive filessent from the browser. Then resolve to make the appropriate measures, constantly revised and improved, until the formation of a viable system user satisfaction.
Paper introduces the development background of the subject, the function anddevelopment to complete the process. Description of the key focus of system design, design ideas, technical difficulties and solutions.
Keywords: android; HTTP; Socket; java
1 绪论 4
1.1 课题的目的和意义 4
1.2 课题介绍 5
1.3 国内外的研究现状与水平 5
1.4 发展趋势 7
2 系统开发工具 8
2.1 开发硬件环境 8
2.2 开发系统环境 8
2.3 开发工具 8
2.4 开发语言 9
3 需求分析 12
4 系统设计 13
4.1 设计准备 13
4.2 设计过程 23
5 系统使用介绍 25
5.1 系统模块简介 25
5.2 运行环境简介 25
5.3 打开网页 25
5.4 上传文件 26
5.5 显示文件 28
5.6 重命名 29
5.7 删除文件 30
6 系统测试及性能分析 32
6.1 概述 32
6.2 测试计划 32
6.3 结果分析 33
7 结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36,2889
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