摘要:这次毕业设计的内容为自动麻将机总体设计。自动麻将机分为两大类:单口机和四口机。这次要研究的是单口机。其中包括:中心操作盘升降系统,洗牌系统,送牌系统,推牌机构,链传动送牌机构,升降推牌机构,电脑版控制系统。主要是分析个部件的工作原理,对各部件提出衔接关系及其要求,对有些方面作了分析与计算本文来自优!文~论*文^网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324,9114找源文,主要是各个电机所需功率的要求以及链传动送牌系统中的链轮链条机构的设计与计算。
关键词:洗牌 送牌 推牌 教师党员争先创优活动心得体会
The automatic mahjong machine overall design
Abstract:This graduation design content for the automatic mahjong machine overall design. Automatic mahjong machine is divided into two categories: single machine and four machine.This is a research on single machine. Including: the center panel lifting system, shuffling system, send card system, card pushing mechanism, chain transmission card sending mechanism, a lifting pushing mechanism, computer control system.Is mainly analysis the components of the working principle of each component, make bridging relation and its requirements, some aspects of the analysis and calculations, are mainly the various desired motor power requirements and a chain transmission card sending system of chain wheel and chain mechanism design and calculation.
Key word:shuffle the mahjong send the mahjong push the mahjong
1绪论 1
1.1自动麻将机 1
2单口自动麻将机的基本结构及工作原理 4
2.1基本机构 4
2.2工作原理 4
3.各部件的结构与作用及设计要求 7
3.1中心操作盘升降系统 7
3.2洗牌系统 8
3.3送牌系统 10
3.4推牌机构 12
3.5链传动送牌机构 13
3.6升降推牌机构 14
3.7电脑板控制系统 15
4.链传动送牌机构的设计分析 20
4.1电机的选用 20
4.2 链条、链轮的设计 20
4.4张紧轮的设计分析 26
4.5 弯角的计算 29
4.6光电传感器的选择与作用 30
5.小结 34
致谢 36
参考文献 37,2879
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