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更新时间:2016-8-27:  来源:毕业论文

XK714A型数控铣床主轴箱设计毕业论文 摘要:数字控制是近代发展起来的一种自动化控制技术,是用数字化信号对机床运动及其加工过程进行控制的一种方法,随着科学技术的迅猛发展,数控机床已经是一个国家机械工业水平的重要标准。而此次所设计的XK714A型数控铣床是在普通铣床的基础上发展起来的,可以在程序代码的控制下较精确地进行钻孔、扩孔、锪孔、铰孔、铣削加工功能的铣床,适用于当零件复杂程度较高并且批量不大的时候,在机械生产加工中有着至关重要的作用。会计师事务所人才激励现状及问题对策
关键词: 数控铣床;主轴;设计;校核。本文来自优'文~论^文^网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324,9114找源文
The Spindle Box Design Of XK714A CNC Milling Machine
Abstract: Digital control is a kind of modern automatic control technology, is digital signal for processing machine and a method of control, along with the rapid development of science and technology, numerical control machine tool is a national machinery industry level. And the design of XK714A type CNC milling machine is in the common milling machine is developed on the basis of the program code, can be controlled accurately for drilling, reaming, counterboring, reaming, milling and processing function of the milling machine, applicable when parts of complicated degree and small batch when, in the production and processing machinery there is crucial effect.
Based on the XK714A numerical control milling machine spindle box for the design, first determine the worktable size, speed range of spindle and spindle motor power and some other main specifications and technical parameters; then choose the type selection of the spindle motor, synchronous belt as transmission manner, spindle bearings supporting type; and the design of spindle, rod, the bearing sleeve size, then carries on the intensity, stiffness check; finally, revise and improve the spindle size, so that it can better and other components with.
Key Words: CNC milling machine; spindle; design; check.
目  录
1绪论 1
1.1国外数控铣床的现状 1
1.2国内数控铣床的现状 1
1.3国内外数控技术的现状与发展趋势 3
2主轴电机的选取 5
3同步带传动设计与计算 7
3.1材料选择 7
3.2参数计算 7
4主轴组件的设计 11
4.1主轴组件的设计要求 11
4.1.1回转精度 11
4.1.2主轴刚度 11
4.1.3主轴抗振性 12
4.1.4主轴温升 12
4.1.5主轴的耐磨性 12
4.1.6提高主轴组件抗振性的措施 12
4.1.7减少主轴组件热变形的措施 13
4.2主轴材料的选择及尺寸、参数的计算 13
4.2.1主轴直径 14
4.2.2主轴内孔直径 14
4.2.3主轴的轴端结构 16
4.2.4轴的主要精度指标 16
4.2.5主轴动态特性的改善 16
4.3主轴传动装置箱体的作用 16
4.4主轴箱体的截面形状和壁厚计算 17
5主轴零部件的选择 18
5.1主轴轴承的选择 18
5.1.1轴承的选择和轴承的精度 18
5.1.2轴承预紧力的要求 19
5.1.3主轴轴承的润滑与密封 19
5.1.4轴承寿命校核 20
5.2联接键的选择和碟形弹簧的选择与计算 21
5.2.1联接键的选择 21
5.2.2碟形弹簧的选择与计算 21
5.2.3碟形弹簧材料及热处理、厚度和脱碳 21
5.2.4碟形弹簧的强压处理、表面强化处理和防腐处理 22
5.3螺钉联接的设计 23
5.3.1设计要求 23
5.3.2根据要求计算: 23
5.3.3螺钉强度计算与校核: 24
5.4拉杆的设计 24
5.4.1确定拉杆的直径 24
5.4.2确定拉杆的长度 24
5.5主轴密封件的设计 25
5.5.1密封件的作用及其意义 25
5.5.2密封的分类及密封件的材料要求 25
5.6防尘圈设计的要求 26
6结论 27

致谢 30
参考文献 31,2874

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