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更新时间:2016-8-25:  来源:毕业论文

镀液温度对玻璃微珠化学镀Ni-P合金沉积层的影响 摘要:玻璃微珠是一种新型的硅酸盐材料,由于它具有低密度、低导热、低吸油率、耐高低温、电绝缘强度高、热稳定性好、耐腐蚀、粒度及化学组成可控等优点。而且化学镀镍磷这项技术,作为表面强化的一种途径已经得到越来越广泛的应用和不断的发展。为了研究镀液温度在玻璃微珠上镀镍磷合金沉积层的影响,本实验中是以温度变化为研究对象。通过改变镀液温度,控制其他因素不变的方法来研究其对玻璃微珠化学镀镍磷合金沉积层的影响。
Study on Bath Temperature of Electroless Ni-P Alloys on Cenospheres
Abstract: Glass beads is a new kind of silicate material, because of its low density, low thermal conductivity, low oil absorption rate, resistant to high temperature, electrical insulation, high strength, thermal stability, corrosion resistance, controllable particle size and chemical composition and so on. And the technology of electroless nickel phosphorus as a means of surface hardening has been widely applied and continuous development. In order to study the glass beads on nickel-phosphorus alloy plating factors, this study is based on the temperature, PH value and the concentration of complexing agent for the study. By changing one factor, controlling for other factors that control the same approach to the study, for example, by changing environmental factors such as temperature, PH value control; bath composition remained unchanged in the concentration of complexing agent to study the impact of temperature on the coating uniformity, followed after change for the other two factors
Keywords: Cenospheres; Ni-P Alloys; Bath Temperature; Electroless nickel palting
1 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2化学镀Ni-P合金的发展 1
1.2.1化学镀的简介 1
1.2.2国内外化学镀Ni-P合金的研究 2
1.2.3化学镀Ni-P合金的优缺点及前景 3
1.2.4化学镀镍液的组成 3
1.3玻璃微珠的发展 5
1.3.1玻璃微珠的简介 5
1.3.2国内外玻璃微珠的研究及前景 6
1.3.3玻璃微珠的应用 6
1.3.4玻璃微珠的等级 7
1.4本论文研究内容 7
2 实验原理 7
2.1化学镀Ni-P的原理 7
2.1.1自催化理论 7
2.2施镀温度的影响 8
3实验内容 9
3.1实验试剂及仪器 9
3.1.1实验试剂 9
3.1.2实验仪器 9
3.1.3实验材料 9
3.2实验方法 10
3.2.1工艺流程 10
3.2.2溶液的配制 10
3.2.3实验步骤 10
4数据处理及讨论 12
4.1实验数据处理 12
4.2实验数据讨论 16
5结论 17
致谢 19
参考文献 20,2862

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