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化工企业事故隐患分析与安全评价分析报告 第2页

更新时间:2016-8-21:  来源:毕业论文
The Analysis on The Latent Danger and Safety Evaluation of Chemical Plant
The Specification of the Design:
The design of safety evaluation, mainly through accident analysis and specific security risk assessment for chemical safety in all work areas to provide for the safety evaluation method; given by case analysis and safety evaluation of the safety management theory template; to help the chemical industry in the future work in perfect safety management and safety evaluation of the work; further improve the safety management level, to better protect workers in the production process safety and health, and as a chemical safety management theory and practice of a reference work, for the future even more secure, efficient and stable chemical companies to provide some safety suggestions.
Through field investigation of the chemical industry and research, the main content of the work status of the factory district, and security management functions within the chemical industry to the principle of distribution of chemical industry is divided into three regions, the regional risk analysis of security incidents, including the power plant plant, paste resin plant, resin plant accidents of special analysis.
For each workshop, the use of safety check list method, and Hazard and Operability study method, equipment and technology from two aspects of the plant safety evaluation.
In the evaluation method for the selection of regional security on the basis of the results of the evaluation of an integrated analysis of safety rating status and corrective safety management objectives.
Safety check list method in the adoption of the conclusions of checks outstanding number of entries and content into the security level of security, more security, there are some security risks, the need for rectification, at the edge of the accident, immediate rectification, there significant security risk, five levels of correction to be suspended.
Hazard and Operability Analysis of the steps of each process unit or to identify those potentially dangerous deviations, these deviations leads through the guide word, a word used to guide aim is to ensure that the deviation of all process parameters are analyzed and analyze their possible causes, consequences and existing security protection measures, and proposed security measures should be taken.
Concrete work, the chemical companies should be a year before the work through the next phase of the security situation and the specific work may be a danger to employees and operability study method that allows employees to promote each other, explore new ideas, increase understanding of the entire production process, reduce the probability of the accident. Should conduct a safety check list weekly co-ordination analysis to improve in the security check and improve the project did not meet the level of security. The emergence of new production processes in the case of unit to conduct a Hazard and Operability study method to evaluate the safety level and to strengthen the related management.
The specific causes of accidents through design analysis and application of safety assessment methods used and examples of safety management for the chemical company's future based on the specific work and templates; for future more comprehensive chemical enterprise security management system provides a detailed basis. Specified in the safety assessment of level of content, specific security classification of the chemical safety management based on the actual level has been tested and improved goals and methods. At the same time all kinds of safety evaluation system also for the chemical companies to develop specific work of a clear directional. Overall, the chemical industry's safety management work can therefore be strengthened and improved, and work in the future to reflect its value.

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