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Android文档管理系统设计论文 第2页

更新时间:2016-8-21:  来源:毕业论文
The 21st century is a collection digitization, the network, the informationization, take network as core society. China's web cams understand fully “enjoy a trip to between the world, the network does not have carefree which the limit” brings. Along with the Internet swift development, causes the network application day-by-day widespread. If electronic commerce, E-government, on-line medical service, on-line entertainment, network game, network teaching and so on.
This thesis is for the contents of the graduation design, elaborating the function and the realization of the document system systematically.Carried out to manage from the customer, the legal power classification and search, arrive to deliver the text management, accept the text management, then arrive the system management.Carried out the document management to flow basically.This system interface keeps the view in brief, being easy to the operation and using, hand over with each other sex is strong, complete according to network of Internet.
Pass to study the terrace of Android up the network application the development principle and step, develop the network application software on the system of Android, carry out as follows function: 1) have the simple function of HTTP Server 2) can pass the web page to spread the document up 3) the document that can pass the web page management to have already spread up, such as delete, heavy assign name to etc..Pass the design of that system with adjust to try, control the language of JAVA and Androids to apply the procedure to develop the related knowledge and adjust to try the method

Keyword:  Android     JAVA    The function realization

1.1 选题背景
随着时代的发展,信息的作用和能力大幅度提高,传递速度也加快。在这种环境中,信息已和传统的资本、劳动力、原材料、设备等一样已成为主要的生产要素。必须充分意识到社会的变革在带来无限发展前景的同时,也带来了相当的压力。必须及时造就新的管理模式,以尽快适应信息社会信息快速传递、决策及时准确的要求。本文来自优,文,论#文,网,毕业论文www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324.9114找源文

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