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更新时间:2016-8-16:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:本文旨在通过了解播放器的功能实现和掌握播放器开发的相关技术基础上,在.net开发平台上开发一个简单的视频播放器的过程,同时利用软件工程的相关理论知识,学习软件开发的方法与步骤。首先,本文简单介绍下市场上流行的播放器,比如暴风影音等,然后介绍这些播放器的功能,还有各种播放器播放的特殊编码格式文件,分析各种编码格式的优缺点;其次选择在微软的.net开发平台上使用C#语言进行开发,编写出功能简单实用方便的播放器。主要包括以下几个方面:开发本软件所使用的开发平台与技术;功能模块;功能设计;功能实现等。最后,对本软件的开发过程进行简要总结,并介绍一下本人的体会和感想。
关键词:播放器 ;.NET;DirectX 9.0;C#

Design and Implementation of Video Player
Abstract: This thesis aims to develop a simple video player in the .net platform by understanding the player’s functions implementations and mastering the player development technologies, and uses the theory of software engineering to learn and understand the methods and steps of software develop. First of all, this thesis introduces some popular players in brief on the market, such as storm video, and some functions of these players, all kinds of special coding format file, then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various coding formats; secondly a simple, practical and convenient player is implemented with C# language on the .net platform. The following aspects are included: the development platform and technology of developing this player; functional module; function design; function realization, etc. Finally, the software development process is briefly summarized and my experience and feelings are also described.
Key words:Player;.NET;DirectX;C#
目    录

摘  要 3
1 概述 4
2功能设计 4
3 功能实现 5
3.1 主界面实现 5
3.2 文件控制的实现 6
3.3 播放控制的实现 6
3.5 声音控制 9
3.6 显示控制的实现 10
3.7 系统说明 11
4总结 12,2800

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