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更新时间:2016-8-11:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:本论文围绕杜甫的咏秋诗,从几方面展开简单的列举。分析杜甫的身世与其“秋”诗的呼应;诗人通过“秋”诗传达的情感,是思亲念乡、是爱国忧民、还是悲秋伤怀,结合实际的诗句作为例子,体会著名的杜诗风格“沉郁顿挫”在悲秋诗里的展现,感受悲秋情怀,由此剖析和学习杜甫咏秋诗的表达。据悉现当代文学著作中对以上本论文提到的论点较少,因此对其进行简要分析研究。并通过论文证实杜甫的秋诗不只是简单的咏物诗,它涵盖了关于经历、情感、志向及几十年沉积的情怀。
关键词:杜甫;咏秋;情感;沉郁顿挫 浅谈儿童启蒙英语教育

Discussing the Chant Autumn Poetry of Du Fu
Abstract: The thesis, revolves around Du Fu's chant autumn poetry, from several aspects of the show simply enumerates. Analysis of Du Fu's life experience with his Autumn Poetry echoes. Poet through the "Autumn" Poem convey emotion, expressing yearning for hometown and relative, is the expression of patriotic and worried about people, or the expression of sad autumn and grieved, this paper combines the actual verse as an example to analyze, to understand the famous Du Fu style "Depressed and Pause", in "Poems of Sad Autumn" was how the show out, to feel the "mournful autumn" feelings, thus, learn to analyze and Du Fu's "chant autumn poetry" in the way of expression. It is reported that, in contemporary literature, and relatively few of the above mentioned arguments in this paper, therefore, briefly to analyze and study. And through this thesis to prove, Du Fu's Autumn Poetry is not just a simple object-chanting poetry, also covers information on the poet's experiences, emotions, aspirations and his decades of deposition feelings.
Key Words: Du Fu; Chant Autumn; Feeling; Depressed and Pause
目        录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
参考文献 10
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