The Study of Compare about the Passive Sentences among zuo zhuan,shi shuo xin yu and xi you ji
关键词:《左传》; 《世说新语》; 《西游记》; 被动句式
Abstract:The passive sentences is one of the most important Chinese sentences, with huge focus from the Chinese grammar scholars, Though studying diachronic comparison of passive sentence among zuo zhuan, shi shuo xin yu and xi you ji, analysis the development and change of it . In zuo zhuan, the passive sentences of "yu" were used extensively; www.chuibin.com In shi shuo xin yu, the passive sentences of "wei" and "bei" were used widely; In xi you ji, the passive sentences of word "bei" were used extensively, extending some feature can go back to the ancient times and mediaeval times, and has comprehensive development on structure, grammatical functions and meanings .
Keywords:zuo zhuan; shi shuo xin yu; xi you ji ; Passive sentence
1. 引言 1
1.1 被动句的定义 1
1.2《左传》《世说新语》《西游记》中被动句的情况 1
2. 《左传》《世说新语》和《西游记》中被动句的比较 2
2.1《左传》《世说新语》中“于(於)”字式的比较 2
2.1.1《左传》的“于(於)”字式 2
2.1.2《世说新语》的“于(於)”字式 2
2.2《左传》《世说新语》 中“为”字式的比较 2
2.2.1《左传》的“为”字式 3
2.2.2《世说新语》的“为”字式 3
2.3《左传》《世说新语》中“见”字式的比较 3
2.3.1《左传》的“见”字式 4
2.3.2《世说新语》的“见”字式 4
2.4《世说新语》《西游记》中“被”字式的比较 4
2.4.1《世说新语》的“被”字式 5
2.4.2《西游记》的“被”字式 5
2.5《世说新语》《西游记》中“蒙”字式的比较 7
2.5.1《世说新语》的“蒙”字式 7
2.5.2《西游记》的“蒙”字式 7
3.《世说新语》中独有的被动句式 8
3.1“受”字式被动句 8
3.2“承”字式被动句 8
4.《西游记》中独有的被动句式 8
4.1“教”字被动句 9
5.结语 9
参考文献 10
文献综述 11
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