A Research on China’s City Commercial Bank Operational Performance Analysis
——Take A Bank of Nanjing Bank as an Example
【关键词】:城市商业银行 绩效分析 南京银行
【Abstract】:China's city commercial banks established on the basis of the urban credit Cooperation by merger and reorganization. After years of development, city commercial banks have been a main part of Chinese financial system, played an significant role in services to the local economy, small and medium-sized enterprises and residents of a city. However, with more and full opening of Chinese financial industry, city commercial banks will be face with a more severe market environment and competition situation. Under the complex and changeable environment, it’s increasingly important to make a scientific and comprehensive operational performance evaluation. For that reason, the paper chose Nanjing Bank as case analysis, build the framework of indicator system in profitability, liquidity and safety, compared to similar city commercial banks, thus discovered some ways to enhance the level of Nanjing Bank’s operational performance, for your reference.
【Keywords】: city commercial banks performance analysis Nanjing Bank
目 录
一、引言 1
1.研究背景 1
2.研究意义 1
3.研究方法 2
二、城市商业银行发展概述 2
1.城商行的历史沿革 2
2.城商行的现状 2
三、城市商业银行绩效评价体系的构建 3
1.评价指标的选择原则 3
(1)商业银行安全性及其评价 3
(2)商业银行流动性及其评价 4
(3)商业银行盈利性及其评价 4
2.具体指标的选取 5
3.样本银行的选择 5
四、城市商业银行经营绩效分析——以南京银行为例 5
1.数据来源 5
2.城市商业银行发展的典型案例——南京银行 6
(1)盈利性指标分析 6
(2)流动性指标分析 7
(3)安全性指标分析 7
3.样本银行间经营绩效比较分析 8
(1)样本银行盈利性指标比较分析 8
(2)样本银行流动性指标比较分析 8
(3)样本银行安全性指标比较分析 9
五、结论及对策 10
1.关于南京银行绩效评价的主要结论 10
2.提高南京银行经营绩效的对策建议 10
(1)准确定位,www.chuibin.com 分发挥本土优势 10
(2)转变业务结构,提高金融创新能力 11
(3)强化风险管理,坚持审慎经营 12
(4)降低不良贷款率,提高资产质量 12
(5)提升员工综合素质,建立高效的人才体系 12
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