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英文论文_美剧字幕翻译中的归化策略 第4页

更新时间:2016-7-25:  来源:毕业论文
film easily. Lastly, it is unexplainable. When the dialogue contains some professional words which are strange to common people, it is hard to find their paraphrases or explanations on the screen, because it is not allowed to do so.
Subtitle is different from the conventional understanding of a text because it is polysemiotic in processing; containing speech, music, sound, ambient noise and image. In addition, the media or channel will deal with subtitle from an oral form into a written text. As a kind of translation activity, subtitle translation must be controlled by the general translation theories and criteria undoubtedly. But owing to its special features, subtitle translation has more extra constraints, the most important ones of which are space and time. Professor Li Yunxing (2001) has also revealed that the limitation comes mostly from two aspects: the time and the space.
(1)  limitation of time 
   The basic principle of subtitle translation is that the translated dialogue should show on the screen simultaneously with the sounds and pictures as mentioned before. This means the translators have to give all the information in a limited time since the language speed of a film or TV play is usually very fast. At the same time, the subtitle and its translation often flashes on the screen, which offers audience no opportunity to stop or to go back to get the missed information, so that the sentences, the words and the phrases are supposed to be common and easily understood.
(2) limitation of space
    Not only does the time constrain the subtitle translation, but also the space. Although the subtitle in English is allowed to be in two lines, it is not true with the Chinese one. Most scholars hold the opinion that if the Chinese subtitle is in more than one line, it takes too much space and makes the screen crowded, which of cause would affect the play viewers. Meanwhile, the space of screen is ww.chuibin.com also limited, so that the number of characters in one line cannot be large as well. All of these require the translators to use short sentences and give up some unimportant information if necessary.英语电影片段在高职大学英语教学中的应用研
With so many features, subtitle translation has attracted much attention of the experts and scholars. Li Yunxing (2001) proposed that subtitle translation should use the strategies of condensation, reductive paraphrasing and deletion. The first one means to translate the key of the dialogue, leaving the less important information behind. The second is to paraphrase, using some short and simple sentences to express the main ideas. And the last one means omission of some words or phrases. He believes only by this way can a good subtitle translation work be done.
Since the viewers of films or TV plays are common people and the purpose of these programs is to relax the viewers, the languages used turn out to be popular and colloquial. Besides, the native speakers usually have a fast speed, so that the information the dialogue conveys is very rich and people who are not familiar with the spoken language have to rely on the subtitles. As a result, the translations ought to be easy and understandable by using more popular and colloquial words to make sure that

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