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更新时间:2016-7-24:  来源:毕业论文

Analysis On “The Outsiders" Characters of Bai/Xianyong’s Novel "The Outsiders"
[关键词]“孽子”形象; 白先勇;《孽子》;
[Abstract] Writer Pai Hsien-yung, a writer of strong Chinese cultural consciousness. His novel "The Outsiders," elaborated from the unique perspective of a Chinese national allegory, China in the 20th century of chaos and fable. This article sets out the background of the creation of "The Outsiders" Analysis of the characteristics described by "The Outsiders" in character, and analysis of the Outsiders the tragic reason, significance characters placed deep thinking. And own sentiment: novel attempts as an instinct should be respected, and penetrate the multiple desire to tell people of deep humanitarian feelings and calls for tolerance. This has important implications both youth education.

[Key Words] Outsiders image;Pai Hsien-yung;《Outsiders》;
目 录

前言 1
一.“孽子”形象产生的原因 2
二.“孽子”形象的共同特征 3
1. 消极反抗父权的斗士 3
2. 缺乏情感寄托的焦虑症病人 4
3. 特殊“性取向”导致的边缘人 5
三.“孽子”形象的精神价值  6
1. 灵与肉困境的突围 6
2. 畸变父子关系的重建 8
3. “孽子”的情感回归与社会认同 10
四.“孽子”形象的文学价值 11
1. 值得借鉴的独特隐喻手法 11
1.1 红睡莲 12
1.2 台风 12
2. “孽子”形象成为文学人物画廊的一道独特风景 13
结语 15
参考文献: 17
致 谢 18
文献综述 18,2658

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