Abstract In recent years, the medical system reform which people have paid more attition to have been in full swing in china .With the medicine system reform going on and medicine chain business promoting and more and more business competition,more and more medicine chain corporations shall be aware of the importance of improving the level of enterprises management and also want to speed up the procession of information management.
In medicine business, most of the medicine chain has been using manual work to deal with the management of goods and finance and information processing. But,after the change of medicine business structure and the new market competition enviroment,the manual work is a big obstacle for medicine corporation and the key to medicine corporations success. This demand medicine management to get away manual work and manage the medicine data intelligently and promote medicines development。Gradually,with computer techniques common use,medicine corporation use computer technique to improve management and efficiency to win the market competition。So ,the medicine management information system has been the necessary tool to realize the medicine network management and information management。Its also the key part to medicine corporations business management。Meanwhile,software high degree environment and database technique which are the technique base of developing medicine management information system lowered systems development cost。Systems develop tool which is intelligent and personalized satisfy medicine corporations demands。This article discusses how to use Visual Basic.NET for development tools, the use of SQL server 2000 as a underlying database development background based on client / server (c / s) mode of medicine management system. It completes basic medicine management including adding, modifying, deleting, medicine storage information records, sales management, inventory management, printing sales reports
Keywords: Medicine management Database Visual Basic.NET Information system
校园歌手大奖赛邀请函在开发过程中,注意使其符合操作的业务流程,并力求系统的全面性、通用性,使得本系统不只适用于一家医药企业机构。在开发方法的选择上,选择了生命周期法与原型法相结合的方法,遵循系统调查研究、系统分析、系统设计和系统实施四个主要阶段进行设计,而在具体的设计上,采取了演化式原型法,随着不断的跟踪测试和使用及对系统了解的不断加深,对某一部分或几部分进行重新分析、设计、实施。在开发工具的选择上,主要利用Microsoft Visual Basic.NET,使用SQL server2000数据库,从而保证了数据的完整性与一致性,加强了对数据的管理。
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