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更新时间:2014-11-25:  来源:毕业论文

目  录

1 绪论 1
1.1 研究问题的提出 1
1.2 研究的方法和思路 2
2 财务杠杆和企业融资相关理论分析 3
2.1 财务杠杆理论 3
2.2 资本结构理论 4
2.3 财务杠杆和资本结构的关系 6
3 财务杠杆效应分析 7
3.1 财务杠杆正效应 7
3.2 财务杠杆负效应 11
4 财务杠杆应用的案例分析 14
5 企业最优化融资的建议 16
5.1 充分考虑各种影响因素 16
5.2 正确认识负债融资的正负效应 16
5.3 合理匹配经营杠杆与财务杠杆 16
5.4 增强企业的获利能力与偿债能力 17
结束语 18
致 谢 19 骏马钢帘线班组职业化管理培训心得
参 考 文 献 20

关键词    企业融资  财务杠杆  财务杠杆效应
Title   Analysis of Financial Leverage Effect in the                   Corproate Finance                                                 

With the constant development of our country and the world economy,the listed company is confronted with drastic competition on social economic life.So it is necessary to deal with in debt.But the listed company doesn’t attach importance to it,and also doesn’t make good use of it.This paper expounds enterprise financing and the relevant theory of financial leverage,and enterprise the application of finanncial leverage in the financing comprehensive from the negative effect.Then,through the case analysis of financial leverage to further illustrate the application in enterprise financing.And puts forward the reasonable utilization of financial leverage effect,achieve optimization financing advice.

Keywords  Corprate Finace  Leverage Financial  Leverage2733

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