Private economy has become a new force of China's economic development in the national economy occupies a pivotal position. Development and expansion of the private economy, is to develop a socialist market economy, establish and perfect the socialist market economic system basis. Although considerable progress has been made in the private economy, but because of their own conditions and the external environment and other reasons, apart from a few large private enterprises, the majority of private enterprises financing difficulties in the development process has become a constraining bottleneck for the further development of private enterprises. In this paper, the factors of private enterprises themselves, the banks operating mechanism and the social environment is described in three aspects of China's private enterprise financing constraints, and from the three aspects of the financing of private enterprises is difficult to solve relevant recommendations.
Keywords private enterprises constraints financing channels1 引言
1.1 研究问题的提出
1.1.1 研究背景 赊销交易与应收账文献综述和参考文献
民营企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,是市场经济最具活力的微观主体,民营企业发展在促进经济增长、扩大就业、推动技术创新、调整经济结构、催生产业方面的作用越来越重要。据统计,截止2008年底,我国的民营企业数量约为680万家,占全国法人企业总数的85.1%左右。民营企业在吸纳的就业人数达到全国就业人数总量的71%以上,近来平均每年新增就业人数占全部新增就业人数的89%左右;2008年民营企业实现纳税3569.2亿元,占全国税收的9.3%。由此可见,民营企业己经成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,成为推动我国经济持续、稳定增长的重要动力。但是目前民营企业在中国还是企业中的弱势群体,整体实力不强,在经济的潮起潮落中,少数民营企业抓住机遇,决策得当,超过了初创期的艰难,实现了超常规的发展,跃升为企业明星。而多数民营企业还处于创业后的成长期,有待于在竞争中壮大和发展。与此同时,却有不少民营企业成立后不久又消失了,本文来自!优~文^文#网*原文请找腾讯@324,9114 也有一些虽一时赫赫有名,但并未逃脱昙花一现的命运。还有为数不少的民营企业在市场的夹缝中惨淡经营。民营企业诞生至今,一直面临着严重的资金困难,融资难已成为制约民营企业进一步发展的瓶颈,使许多民营企业与发展良机擦肩而过。特别是在当前金融危机影响下,民营企业融资难的问题有不断加剧之势,全国80%以上的民营企业资金紧张,这不仅制约了民营企业扩大再生产的意愿和能力,也直接导致2008年全国数十万家民营企业的倒闭。
1.1.2 研究目的和意义
1.2 研究的方法和思路
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