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更新时间:2014-11-22:  来源:毕业论文

乳业上市公司财务绩效分析论文+案例分析+建议目   录1  引言1
2  财务绩效相关理论及背景2
2.1  国外相关理论2
2.2  国内相关理论3
2.3  上市公司财务绩效背景4
2.4  乳制品行业财务状况总体对比分析4
3  蒙牛、伊利、光明比率分析8
3.1  资产负债表项目分析8
3.2  利润表项目分析 12
3.3  现金流量表项目分析 20
4  财务绩效降低的原因及相关建议 26
4.1  影响财务绩效的动因26
4.2  提高财务绩效的建议28
本文主要研究了在金融危机及2008年中国乳业三氯氰胺危机的冲击背景下,中国乳业上市公司的财务绩效状况。通过对我国近年来有乳业上市公司数据的收集、整理和分析,定性和定量地研究我国乳业上市公司的财务绩效从而来分析其财务绩效,在总结各种优化理论的基础上提出自己的一些看法,最终提出相关观点。本文选取了多家上市公司作为样本,包括蒙牛、本文来自^优@文~论^文%网*原文请找腾讯#3249,114 伊利、光明、等国内知名乳业巨头。研究结果显示:在2008年之后国内乳业巨头的财务绩效严重下滑,而2009年的金融危机对其影响并不如想象中的严重。由各家乳业公司股价走势也可以推断,其公司乳制品在市场的反馈情况及相关的财务绩效。最后,基于上述的研究结果,本文对乳业上市公司如何提高财务绩效提出了相关建议。粗毛栓菌漆酶的分离纯化

关键词  三氯氰胺  财务绩效  市场反应
Title      The Study of  the Financial Performances of      

                China’s Listed Dairy Companies            

This thesis mainly studies the financial performances of China's listed dairy companies in the context of the Financial crisis and the 2008 Melamine Incident. Through a series of data collection, processing and analysis which conducts a qualitative and quantitative study of the financial performance of China’s listed dairy companies, this thesis intends to analyze the market performance of these companies and put forward some personal opinions based on a variety of optimized theories, then draw the conclusion. Some companies are chosen as samples here, including well known domestic dairy giants Mengniu, Yili, and Bright. The study shows that: the domestic dairy giants suffered a great loss in terms of financial performances after the year 2008 whereas the 2009 Financial crisis didn’t have that many impacts on this industry. Moreover, the market performance and feedbacks of a company’s products can also be deduced by its stock price. In the end, based on all the above results, this thesis proposes some suggestions for listed dairy companies on how to improve their financial performances.
Key Words  Melamine  Financial Performance  Market Reaction2730

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