Along with the rapid development of electronic technology, especially with a large-scale integrated circuits, to human life has been a fundamental change. Especially monolithic integrated circuit applications has entered the tens of thousands of households. Industrial production in temperature and humidity are charged with common parameters, the typical temperature and humidity control system to study with a very broad meaning.
In this paper from both hardware and software introduced the MCS-51 microcontroller temperature and humidity control system design, hardware schematic diagram and the process was simple description. Through this design makes me understand how to design SCM temperature and humidity control and design of methods and steps to achieve, but also enabled me to further deepen the understanding of SCM temperature control for future study and work accumulated many valuable experience.
Key word: MCS-51 single-chip; Temperature and humidity control ; Hardware schematic diagram; Flow chart
1 绪论
1.1 引言
在某些系统中, 由于温度过高、过低使元器件失效或由于环境湿度过大等引起的漏电时有发生,轻者对设备的稳定运行造成影响,重者将危及到系统局部甚至大型设备和操作人员的安全。本文给出的基于新型的单片机实现的温湿度控制仪,就是为在某些对温湿本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114 度有要求的环境下进行温度和湿度控制而设计的。本设计就从硬件和软件两个方面对该控制仪进行介绍。
1.2 开发的依据
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