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PLC啤酒发酵自动化控制系统硬件设计实现+流程图+方案综述 第2页

更新时间:2014-11-17:  来源:毕业论文
Beer Fermentation Control System of Computer Hardware Design and Implementation


The thesis mainly introduces the process of beer fermentation for the engineering background of the beer fermentation process automation and control strategy of the study aims to achieve the controlled use of advanced technology to upgrade traditional industries and skill levels a comprehensive practical significance. For beer fermentation process with large inertia, delay, non-linear, decentralized collection of the characteristics of distribution, the system uses a computer control system of distributed control system (DCS) Distributed Control. System can increase the degree of automation and integration of a variety of information, control of production processes. High reliability, high-performance, distributed control, centralized monitoring and management capabilities. The system uses the upper and lower control-bit microprocessor control program coordinated by the systems engineer and on-site control station component.Selected as a PC-PC, Siemens S7-300PLC as the under-bit machines, the use of PROFIBUS-DP bus implementation of the fermentation tank temperature and pressure control and management of on-site monitoring capabilities. Production Practice has proved that the anti-interference ability of the system running stable, user-friendly to meet the needs of a large-scale production can be applied in the beer industry.

Key words:beer fermentation  PLC  DCS   computer control techniques
1  引言

1.1啤酒工业概述  企业文化建立与运行机制研究+任务书+开题报告
1.2我国啤酒工业发展现状 本文来!自优$文%论^文&网*原文请找QQ32,49114
啤酒工业是我国食品工业中一个重要的产业部门,随着国民经济的发展和人民生活的改善,我国啤酒工业发展迅速。尽管如此,我国的啤酒生产工业目前还存在许多不尽如人意的地方。大多数啤酒生产企业技术装备落后,生产效率低 ,产品质量不稳定,自动化程度低,不易于现代化管理。如何提高啤酒生产的综合自动化水平,增强我国啤酒产业的综合实力是一个很好的研究课题。
 田洪涛:《现代发酵工艺原理与技术》 黄丛生,刘东汉:《基于IPC的啤酒发酵过程控制系统》
(1) 麦汁进料过程:在这个过程中。由糖化阶段产生的麦汁原料经由连接管道由糖化罐进入发酵罐中。
(2) 自然升温过程:在麦汁进料过程中,随着酵母的加入,酵母菌逐渐开始生长和繁殖。在这个过程中,麦汁在酵母菌的作用下发生化学反应,产生大量的二氧化碳和热量,这就使原料的温度逐渐上升。
(3) 还原双乙酰过程:在自然升温发酵过程中,会产生一种双乙酰的化学物质。这种物质对人体健康不利而且会降低啤酒的可口程度,所以在这个过程需要将其去除,增强啤酒的品质。
(4) 降温过程:在自然升温和还原双乙酰过程中啤酒发酵已经完成,降温过程其实属于发酵工程的后续过程,其作用是将发酵过程中加入的酵母菌进行沉淀,排出。
(5) 低温储酒过程:降温过程完成以后,已经发酵完成的原料继续储存在发酵罐等待过滤,稀释,杀菌等过程的进行。

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