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更新时间:2014-11-14:  来源:毕业论文

目  录

摘要 I
1绪论 1
1.1序言 1
1.2ADO.NET简介 1
1.3信息系统概述 1
1.4ERP沙盘辅助教学系统简介 2
1.5ERP沙盘辅助教学系统的目标 2
2系统分析 4
2.1系统的开发背景 4
2.1.1系统目标 4
2.1.2系统功能 5
2.1.3系统的投入影响分析 5
2.2系统可行性分析 5
2.3需求分析 7
2.3.1非功能性需求 8
2.3.2功能性需求 8
2.4业务流程分析 9
2.4.1业务流程图 9
2.5数据流程分析 11
2.5.1数据流程图 12
2.6数据字典 15
3系统设计 23
3.1总体设计 23
3.2 IPO图 26
3.3数据库设计 28
3.3.1概念模型 28
3.3.2逻辑数据模型 30
3.4界面设计 34
4系统实施 37
4.1平台设计 37
4.1.1硬件平台环境 37
4.1.2软件平台环境 37
4.2数据库构建 37
4.2.1数据库的创建 37
4.2.2数据库的连接 38
4.3代码设计 39
4.3.1登陆界面代码实现 39
4.3.2清除历史记录代码实现 41
4.3.3资产负债表代码实现 42
5系统总结 44
5.1系统特点 44
5.1.1技术先进性 44
5.1.2安全性能好 44
5.1.3操作便捷性 44
5.2待解决问题 45
参考文献 46
谢辞 47

摘  要
ERP沙盘模拟是一种体验式学习方式,不过由于目前仍处于手工阶段,手工操作导致低效率和高错误率。并且任课老师的工作量会异常繁重。基于上述原因,我利用ADO.NET提供的强大的数据库管理功能、界面优化等方便之处,给用户提供一个功能完善且操作简易高效率的ERP沙盘模拟辅助管理系统。该系统是运用Visual C# 2005进行编写,以.NET数据库访问技术为核心,以SQL Server 2005数据库为后台。本文来自^优$文!论-文&网原文请找腾讯&324,9114 房地产上市公司内部控制现状+问题+解决对策
关键词:ERP 沙盘模拟 信息系统 .NET
Based on. NET's ERP Simulation Game instruction system
ERP experience is a sand table simulation-based learning methods, but still in the hand as a result of the current phase, resulting in low efficiency of manual and high ERPor rate. And classroom teachers will be exceptionally heavy workload. For these reasons, I use ADO.NET to provide a powerful database management features, optimizing the interface between convenience to the users with a fully functional and efficient operation of simple sand table simulation supporting ERP management system. The system is shipped with a powerful programming tool - Visual C # 2005, to prepare to. NET technology as the core database access to SQL Server 2005 database for the background.
The system has changed the status of the previous stand-alone operation, B / S mode operation of teachers and students interact in real time. Students through the sand table of the system can simulate a variety of data and reports submitted to the automatic operation, replacing the current account of the annoyance level, teachers can manage users, real-time monitoring of the teaching process, using the ERP system will enable the simulation of the teaching process more sand table smooth and efficient.
Key words:ERP  Simulation Game  Information System  .NET,2695

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