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51单片机的红外遥控系统设计+可控硅+框图+电路图+程序 第2页

更新时间:2014-11-12:  来源:毕业论文
摘  要
本课题采用低成本的MCS-51系列单片机构成具有高可靠性的遥控系统的应用设计。本设计通过单片机控制实现红外线通信,进而对被控目标实现红外线遥控。基于单片机的红外遥控系统抗干扰性强、功耗低、成本低、易实现,具有很高的实用价值。 delphi图书仓库管理系统
关键词:单片机 红外遥控 步进电机 LCD1602 可控硅 直流电机
MCU-based infrared remote control system

The issue is the use of low-cost series of MCS-51 MCU of the remote control with high reliability system applications. The design control through the realization of single-chip infrared communication, and thus charged with infrared remote control goals. MCU-based infrared remote control system and strong anti-interference, low power consumption, low cost, easy to achieve, with high practical value.
     The design is HS0038 control infrared receiver to receive and process signals to single-chip AT89S52 as a signal detection and control of the core. Pulse can be achieved through the distribution of single-chip, thus driving thyristor control and by the high-power DC motor drive circuit 74LS14 and ULN2003 stepper motor consisting of (the) driver, combined with software to control the motor speed, steering. Used as LCD1602 LCD interface, can display DC motor and stepper motor, and speed, keyboard and remote control through a combination of setting the motor speed, the direction of the equivalent, will enable the system from the PC in the case of machines can also run the normal , has a good interactive features, improved system availability.The process uses assemble language, with blocking design and  more  readability  and it’s easy to carry out vary settings by PC.

Key words:SCM/Singlechip Infrared receiver  Step motor  LCD1602  SCR
        Direct current machine

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