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更新时间:2014-11-12:  来源:毕业论文

目  录
摘  要 I
前  言 1
1  系统规划 2
1.1 背景介绍 2
1.2系统需求分析 3
1.3 可行性分析 4
1.4 开发方法的选择 5
1.5体系结构 7
2  系统分析 8
2.1 业务流程分析 8
2.1.1 组织结构图 9
2.1.2 业务流程图 9
2.2小区物业管理系统的数据分析 12
2.2.1 系统数据流图(DFD图):Visio画图 12
2.2.2 数据字典 17
3  系统设计 19
3.1系统的总体设计 19
3.1.1系统平台设计(网络结构) 19
3.1.2系统功能结构分析 20
3.2 系统总体结构设计(HIPO图) 20
3.3 数据库设计 26
3.3.1 实体关系模型(E-R图) 26
3.3.2 基本信息表 26
3.4代码设计 29
3.5输入/输出设计 30
3.6界面设计 31
4  系统实现 32
4.1主界面设计 32
4.2 报修文修管理模块 32
4.3停车场管理模块 35
4.4 房屋管理模块 36
4.5收费管理模块 37
4.6 业主管理模块 41
4.7员工管理模块 42
4.8出入信息管理模块 43
4.9 系统管理 43
4.10帮助 45
5  系统还存在的问题 46
参考文献 47
附  件1 48
附  件2 53
谢  辞 60

摘  要
关键词:小区 物业管理 信息系统

Residential property management community information
 system design and development
As China's economic development and urban development, residential living community to become more and more mainstream, community property management is necessary in contemporary society. With computer operation's plot estate management system is the management software which develops for the plot superintendent and the plot owner better maintenance each estate management handling of traffic work, I did residential district property management information system is based on Jiangbei District in Chongqing ManTanghong out the background for the development of residential quarters, according to a period of more than two months of field investigation, clear the area of property management situation now; familiar with the cell processes and the management mode of operation, is in control of the system involved in the business process module; in accordance with the status of the area, combined with their knowledge, to develop the system.
Residential quarters of the property management information system using C / S structure of the design method, as in VB and SQL development tools include the owners completed the management, housing management, staff management, maintenance repair management, access to information management, car park management and land management of a total of seven modules costs. Each module in addition to the basic add, modify, delete, update, inquiry, there are statistics, reports, printing, data backup functions. The advantages of the system are: simple interface, easy to operate; module more powerful; there is the development of the background, the system has a certain practicality. Under this architecture, property management information in the day-to-day inquiries, fast and convenient, accurate and efficient financial management, without interaction, better services for the owners.
Key words: Community  property management  information systems2687

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