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更新时间:2014-11-11:  来源:毕业论文

目   录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
一 导论 1
(一)我国信用卡现状 1
(二)信用卡的国内外研究 1
(三)本报告研究的思路及内容体系 3
二 问卷设计及调查手段与方法 5
(一)问卷设计 5
(二)调查手段及方法 5
三 大学生使用信用卡的调查结果 7
(一)大学生使用信用卡的调查概况 7
(二)大学生使用信用卡的消费现状 10
四 影响大学生信用卡消费习惯的关键因素分析 13
(一)外在因素 13
(二)内在因素 14
五 调查结果及相应的措施建议 17
(一)调查结果分析总结 17
(二)信用卡消费的弊端及措施建议 18
优 总结 23
参考文献 24
致  谢 25
附  录 26

摘  要
信用卡是整个银行业的主导力量,它是由银行或其它财务机构发行的无需预先存款就可贷款消费的贷记卡,是一种可以先消费后还款的方式。我国在信用卡这一行业发展得比较晚,其中不少的研究作品都存在一定的局限性。从2007年,我国的银行业有了本文来自^优%文~论*文&网原文请找腾讯32'49114 一定的突破,提出了一些新的消费方式。但由于本身发展的时间不足,所以会存在很多的问题和缺陷。然而,现如今,大学生是最大的消费群体,几乎每个大学生都拥有一张甚至更多的信用卡,大学生是最能够代表整个市场消费水平的群体。对于这个课题的研究,我们采取组队的形式,向在校大学生发放问卷,进行调查。了解大学生信用卡办理的渠道、消费频率等基本情况,并主要针对大学生信用卡消费习惯的影响因素,如距离商业区域的远近、性别、消费理念、理财观念等因素进行调查,以取得准确可靠的调查数据,最后分析大学生使用信用卡消费习惯所存在的问题,并提出相关的改进措施和建议。
关键词:信用卡  大学生  消费现状  影响因素

Credit cards are the leading force in the banking industry, it is by the bank or other financial institutions can be issued without pre-deposit loans for consumer credit, and consumer first, after a repayment can be a way. The development of this industry in China than in the credit card later, many of the research works are some limitations. From 2007, China's banking sector has been a definite breakthrough, made a number of new consumption patterns. However, because of their lack of development time, so there will be plenty of problems and defects. However, now, in college students is the largest consumer groups, almost every college students have one or more credit cards, college students can best represent the entire market consumption groups. Research into this issue, we have taken the form team, sent out questionnaires to college students, to investigate. Channels of college students credit card processing, consumption frequency of the basic situation and major credit cards for college students spending habits of factors, If the distance from the business district, gender, consumer ideas, to investigate factors such as financial management concepts in order to obtain accurate and reliable survey data, Students in the final analysis of spending habits by using a credit card problem, and propose measures for improvement and recommendations2681.

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