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更新时间:2014-6-8:  来源:毕业论文

目   录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
一 调查背景 1
二 调查过程 4
(一)调查研究对象 4
(二)研究方法和资料收集 4
三 调查结果分析 6
(一)调查对象基本情况 6
(二)总体消费结构分析 6
(三)大学生了解信用卡的途径分析 7
(四)高校大学生信用卡使用情况分析 7
(五)性别对信用卡消费认同度的影响 8
(优)信用卡使用意愿的对比分析 9
(七)信用卡发卡银行对比 9
(八)年龄对信用卡消费认同度的影响 9
(九)信用卡消费的还款能力 10
(十)办理信用卡意愿分析 10
四 调查结论 12
(一) 信用卡持有以及消费动机 12
(二)大学生消费结构 13
(三)还款能力差异 15
(四)信用卡使用意愿差异 15
五 总结 17
参考文献 c语言学生成绩管理系统-数据结构课程设计报告 18
致  谢 19
附  录 20

In recent years the university' s bid for the card Fever Rise, the banks on the campus in point, the Charge affaires credit card business, the banks and schools in the long run to students to do the card, in various quarters, credit card market. This article on the card is narrow and credit card, it is not a general sense of bank cards, but the bank or other financial institutions issued without prior deposit to credit consumption credit card is a first after spending the repayment of credit cards, the general bank debit card of the biggest difference is that for a certain amount of credit, and to the credit for one month, the interest free. The different age structure, different sex survey to ascertain different groups of the credit card spending of the same time, credit card consumption of frequency, credit card issuing bank preferences, and analysis age and sex of the credit card consumer acceptance, credit card payment ability.
Key words: College students;Consumerism;Credit card;Age-sex differences2660

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