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更新时间:2014-5-25:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要 I
1  前言 1
2  系统分析 2
2.1可行性研究 2
2.1.1技术可行性 2
2.1.2经济可行性 2
2.1.3社会可行性 2
2.2用户需求分析 3
3  系统设计 5
3.1网站流程图 5
3.2网站功能结构 6
3.2.1前台功能结构 6
3.2.2后台功能结构 6
3.3编码设计 10
3.4数据库设计 11
3.4.1概念设计 11
3.4.2逻辑设计 11
3.5文件夹组织设计 15
3.6前台设计 16
3.6.1首页设计 16
3.7后台设计 16
3.8安全性设计 17
3.8.1 用户登陆验证 17
3.8.2数据加密 17
3.8.3验证码 17
4  系统实施 19
4.1数据库的建设与连接 19
4.1.1数据库的建设 19
4.1.2 数据库连接 19
4.1.3 触发器 19
4.2网站前台模块实现 21
4.2.1 查询的实现 21
4.2.2 会员注册功能的实现 22
4.2.3 网站首页 26
4.3后台模块实现 26
4.3.1 删除记录功能 26
4.3.2 更新记录功能 27
4.3.3 添加记录功能 28
4.3.4在线编辑器 28
4.3.5下拉菜单 29
4.3.6用户登录 31
5  总 结 34
5.1有待解决的问题 34
5.2有待完善的功能 34
6  心得与体会 35
参考文献 36
附  录 37
谢  辞 46

摘  要 本文来自优-文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯752018766
ERP沙盘模拟教学网是基于ASP的动态教学辅助系统,通过它可以发布各种教学信息,让广大师生对ERP沙盘模拟相关知识、课程的最新动态、师资队伍等有一个更深入的了解。此外,该网站可以提供各种教学辅助材料的下载,实现ERP沙盘模拟对抗赛网上报名,在线教学视频播放以及在线经验交流,最终达到辅助教学与学习,减轻教师的工作量,提高效率的目的。我国夫妻法定财产制的完善 -
关键词: ASP 触发器 MD5加密技术

ERP Simulation Game Teaching Network
     ERP Simulation Game Teaching Network is a dynamic teaching assistant system that base on ASP. We can release the information of teaching,then let the teachers and students know a lots of knowledge about the ERP Simulation Game and course dynamic and persons qualified to teach teacher. Furthermore,much of data will be offered to the people to download it from the teaching network,and the people can sign up online to join in the ERP Simulation Gam,and play the teching video frequency and share the experience of the ERP Simulation Game.For about this ,it can achieve the purpose of assistant teaching and learning,last it will lighten the teachers’s work,and advance the efficiency of work.
This paper first introduced the exploiture background of the network.And then analyse feasibility of the network,then design the function of it.when the network design be achieved,then starting to empolder the function.For this empolder process,the SQLserver trigger technology will be used. Finally, the system has been debugging and deployment, raised the issue of the need to improve.
This network system has a great deal information,and it has a concision page layout.At the same time it has the strong function of its background.For keep security of the network data , the MD5 encrpytion techniques is used in that to encrypt the important data.
Key word: ASP  trigger  MD5 encrpytion techniques2646

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