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更新时间:2012-9-10:  来源:毕业论文

使用计算机对教务信息进行管理,具有手工管理无法比拟的优点,如检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大地提高教务管理的效率,是现代高效教务的科学化、正规化管理的重要途论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/  径。

【关键词】教务系统 信息化 数据库 C#.NET  SQL Server B/S Web

      With more and more widespread and profound application of information technology in management, the implement of management information system has become nature in technology step by step. Managing information system is a new subject. Enterprise needs existence and development, so enterprise activities should be organized efficiently and organically, which means tightening up the enterprise management and strengthening effective management of any resource (staff, finance, property, etc.) internal the enterprise, and also establishing a management information system fitting in with its own characteristics.
Educational management is the core of a school, which is characterized by numerous data, including a lot of information and data, processing up the workload and error-prone. It has been conducted using conventional artificial class selection, performance management, such management, there are many disadvantages, such as low efficiency and poor confidence. In addition, the accumulation over time will produce a large number of documents and data, find, update and maintain these data will be very difficult.本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114
Educational use of computers to manage information, management cannot be compared with the manual advantages, such as quick search, find convenient, high reliability, large memory capacity, confidentiality, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of educational administration, is a modern and efficient academic scientific and standardized management of important ways.
A feature of this system more complete, practical, strong, extended and flexible, safe, easy to operate Web-based Educational Administration, division of the system and the functions of each subsystem detailed description.

【Keywords】education system   Information  Database  C#.NET  SQL Server  B / S  Web 
一、绪论 1
(一)问题的提出 1
(二)现有系统存在问题的分析 1
(三)系统开发目标与意义 2
1.系统开发目标 2
2.意义 2
(四)可行性分析 2
1.经济上可行性 2
2.技术上可行性 3
3运行上可行性 3
二、需求分析 3
(一)教育系统学生管理现状分析 3
1.学校工作流程分析 3
2.学校具体需求分析 4
3.系统设计思想 4
4.系统设计分析 4
5.系统功能分析 5
6.教务系统的目标 5
7.数据库分析 5
(二)基于B/S结构技术的应用 5
1.B/S结构技术发展简述 5
2.动态网站开发技术比较 6
3.本系统的开发采用Asp.NET——一种全新的设计模式 9
4.面向对象的开发过程 10
5.开发工具的选择 11
6.数据库系统选择 13
7.开发方法的选择 14
8.开发本系统的意义 14
9.本文档编写目的 15
10.定义 15
三、高校教务系统概要设计 16
(一)功能模块设计 16
1.信息统计模块 16
2.管理员管理模块 16
3.系统管理模块 16
4.学生管理模块 17
5.部门管理模块 17
6.教师管理模块 17
7.学生模块 17
8.教师模块 17
(二)文件架构设计 17
(三)数据库设计 18
1.基本概念 18
2.数据模型 19
3.数据库设计的基本步骤 20
4.高校教务系统数据库建表及其说明 21
(四)系统流程图 22
四、系统实现 23
(一)用户登录 23
(二)部门管理模块功能 24
1. 院系管理 24
2. 教学班管理 25
3. 行政班管理 27
4. 院系新闻管理 28
5. 学院专业管理 29
五、测试 30
(一)概述 30
(二)测试方法 30
1.界面测试 30
2.功能测试 30
(三)不同的测试技术区分 31
1.覆盖测试技术 31
2.白盒测试和黑盒测试技术 32
3.手工测试和自动化测试 32
(四)本系统的测试 32
优、帮助模块设计 33
(一)系统导航 33
(二)帮助 33
七、开发技巧和难点 33
八、系统编译和发行 34
九、结束语 34
谢辞 34
参考文献 34,2521

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