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一种便于管理的动态站点设计方法 第3页

更新时间:2012-7-18:  来源:毕业论文
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A Design Method to Easily Administrate a Dynamic Web Site

Rong Lili   Zhang Liqian
(Institute of System Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, 116023)
Jia Junxian
(Dongbei University of Finace and Economic, 116025)

Abstract This paper proposes a method to administrator a dynamic web site based on ASP technology. That is, when a web site is constructed, the corresponding administration and maintenance system must be constructed to sustain the operation of the whole web site. Thus every man can administrates the web site and releases information everyday. The virtues are less system occupation, large information, convenient maintenance and extension and update of the web site, easy inheritance and protection of the data. 
Keyword   B/S mode   ASP    Friendly User Interface   Site Administration

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